


映画で「based on a true story」というのがありますが、似たものです。他人が発表した文章(英語)を「拾い読みし、足したり、引いたり、変えたり、コネくりまわしました」。









(姓, 名)
167ネカト告発で2千万円ゲット(米国)ネカト防止:キイタム訴訟ティコ&ザヴァレーTycko & Zavareei2025National Law ReviewKeeping Fraud Out of Research: Government Grant Whistleblower Awarded Over $200,000
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ネカト防止:犯罪化ケルシー・パイパーPiper, Kelsey2024VoxThe staggering death toll of scientific lies. Scientific fraud kills people. Should it be illegal?
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162カール・エリオット:不正者を守り告発者を罰する現実告発アユルディ・ダールDhar, Ayurdhi2024Mad in AmericaOur Medical System Protects Wrongdoers and Punishes Whistleblowers: An Interview with Carl Elliott
162カール・エリオット:不正者を守り告発者を罰する現実告発レオニッド・シュナイダーSchneider, Leonid2024For Better Science“The Occasional Human Sacrifice” by Carl Elliott – Book review
161不正画像対処の米国の20年画像操作マイク・ロスナーRossner, Mike2024Retraction WatchWhat’s in a picture? Two decades of image manipulation awareness and action
160米国・研究公正局の規則改訂:その6、最終規則研究公正行政クリント・エルメスHermes, Clint2024Bloomberg LawHHS Federal Rule Change Clarifies Research Misconduct Proceedings
160米国・研究公正局の規則改訂:その6、最終規則研究公正行政ジェフリー・マーヴィスMervis, Jeffrey2024ScienceFinal U.S. misconduct rule drops controversial changes
160米国・研究公正局の規則改訂:その6、最終規則研究公正行政著著名不記載2024EIN PresswireHHS Finalizes Rule on Research Misconduct to Foster Research Integrity
160米国・研究公正局の規則改訂:その6、最終規則研究公正行政著著名不記載2024Federal RegisterPublic Health Service Policies on Research Misconduct
159「捕食」出版(ハゲタカ・ジャーナル)という分類を止めよ捕食グラハム・ケンダルKendal, Graham2024Publishing with IntegrityStop classifying journals as predatory
158不正対処機関を大学外に設置するのに反対ネカト対処ジム・ニセルNicell, Jim2024Times Higher EducationAn external regulator is not the solution to academic misconduct
158不正対処機関を大学外に設置するのに反対ネカト対処ニコラス・ロウRowe, Nicholas2024Times Higher EducationIf abusive lawyers can be banned from practising, why not academics?
157ネカトを犯罪とするネカト防止:犯罪化クリス・サイードSaid, Chris2024Chris SaidThe case for criminalizing scientific misconduct
156悲惨な大学アカデミア研究環境ブルック・モリスウッドMorriswood, Brooke2024Total Internal ReflectionFollow the money
155オランスキーに聞いた研究不正問題学術不正ケビン・デュガンDugan, Kevin T.2024IntelligencerWhy Scientific Fraud Is Suddenly Everywhere
154論文売買に刑事罰:ペルー研究公正行政:犯罪化著者名不記載2024Consejo Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e InnovaciónInvestigadores que compren autorías serán expulsados del Sistema Nacional de Ciencia Tecnología e Innovación y multados con hasta 320 UIT
154論文売買に刑事罰:ペルー研究公正行政:犯罪化マリア・デ・ロス・アンヘレス・オルフィラOrfila, María de los Ángeles2023SciencePeru moves to crack down on scientific fraudsters
システムケルシー・パイパーPiper, Kelsey2024VoxSo you’ve found research fraud. Now what?
学術不正アンドリュー・ゲルマンGelman, Andrew2024Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social ScienceOn lying politicians and bullshitting scientists
151撤回論文数は急増中だが、学術不正は増えていない学術不正クリストス・ペトロウPetrou, Christos2024Scholarly KitchenGuest Post - Making Sense of Retractions and Tackling Research Misconduct
150学術不正の主役は今やネカトではない学術不正マングイ・リーLi, Menghui2024InnovationScience map of academic misconduct
149学術誌・編集者は不正のグル学術誌ニック・ワイズWise, Nick2024For Better ScienceWelcome Agent Cooperate With Us
149学術誌・編集者は不正のグル学術誌フレデリック・ジョエルヴィングJoelving, Frederik2024SciencePaper Trail
148出版か死か(Publish or Perish)研究文化ポール・サッターSutter, Paul M.2022UndarkWhy Won't Academia Let Go of 'Publish or Perish'?
147米国・研究公正局の規則改訂:その5、大学が反対研究公正行政キャスリン・パーマーPalmer, Kathryn2024Inside Higher EdUniversities oppose plan to bolster federal research oversight
Bhardwaj, Akhil2024Times Higher EducationRules won’t stop research misconduct in social science
145ジェームズ・ヘザーズが論じるネカト有罪論ネカト対処:犯罪化ジェームズ・ヘザーズHeathers, James2024james.claimsStrict Liability and Research Fraud
144タイ:論文代行・購入に刑事罰論文売買:犯罪ポーラ・レムLem, Pola2023Times Higher Education‘Buy papers or lose your job’: the dilemma facing Thai academics
144タイ:論文代行・購入に刑事罰論文売買:犯罪Bangkok Post記者たち2023Bangkok PostUni ‘plagiarism-for-profit’ probe launched
143米国・研究公正局の規則改訂:その4、情報開示研究公正行政ジェフリー・マーヴィスMervis, Jeffrey2023ScienceFederal agency's plan to disclose university misconduct findings splits academics
142米国・研究公正局の規則改訂:その3、ボスの責任研究公正行政ジェームズ・ケネディKennedy, James2023Retraction WatchGuest post: Why I commented on the proposed changes to U.S. federal research-misconduct policies – and why you should, too
141米国・研究公正局の規則改訂:その2、賛否両論研究公正行政ジェフリー・マーヴィスMervis, Jeffrey2023ScienceProposed changes to rules for policing fraud in U.S.-funded biomedical research draw a mixed response
140米国・研究公正局の規則改訂:その1研究公正行政フォーリー&ラードナー法律事務所Foley & Lardner LLP2023JDSupraORI Proposes New Rulemaking for Research Misconduct Regulations
140米国・研究公正局の規則改訂:その1研究公正行政研究公正局Office of Research Integrity2023Federal RegisterPublic Health Service Policies on Research Misconduct
139豪・研究公正委員会(ARIC)の改革研究公正行政オーストラリア科学アカデミーAustralian Academy of Science2023Australian Academy of ScienceFurther action needed to strengthen the governance of research misconduct
139豪・研究公正委員会(ARIC)の改革研究公正行政KPMGKPMG2023Australian Research CouncilEvaluation of the Australian Research Integrity Committee
138サウジの大学ランキング危機所属偽装ミケーレ・カタンツァーロCatanzaro, Michele2023ScienceSaudi universities lose highly cited researchers after payment schemes raise ethics concerns
137論文工場の真実論文工場ヤナ・クリストファーChristopher, Jana2021FEBS LettThe raw truth about paper mills
136フロンティアーズ社は多数の売買論文を撤回論文売買エリー・キンケイドKincaid, Ellie2023Retraction WatchFrontiers retracts nearly 40 papers linked to ‘authorship-for-sale’
135超多量の論文出版で大儲けのMDPI社出版ヌエル・アンセデAnsede, Manuel2023EL PAIS EnglishPublic funds being swallowed up by scientific journals with dubious articles
135超多量の論文出版で大儲けのMDPI社出版パブロ・ゴメス・バレイロBarreiro, Pablo Gómez2023arXivThe strain on scientific publishing
134ニック・ワイズが著者在順の売買者を摘発論文売買エリー・キンケイドKincaid, Ellie2023Retraction WatchAfter a sleuth reveals a paper with authorships advertised for sale, it’s retracted
133著者在順を1件約50万円で売るロシアの国際出版社論文売買ダルミート・チャウラChawla, Dalmeet Singh2021ScienceRussian site peddles paper authorship in reputable journals for up to $5000 a pop
132論文と著者在順を売るイランとラトビアの業者論文売買アイヴァン・オランスキーOransky, Ivan2021Retraction WatchIntroducing two sites that claim to sell authorships on scientific papers
131論文と著者在順を売る中国の業者論文売買デレク・ロウLowe, Derek2013ScienceAuthorship For Sale. Papers For Sale. Everything For Sale.
131論文と著者在順を売る中国の業者論文売買デレク・ロウLowe, Derek2013ScienceThey’ll Fake the Journal if You’ll Fake the Papers
130私の博士論文がアマゾンで売られていた論文売買マーサ・マクハーディMcHardy, Martha2021PalatinateDurham PhD theses sold on Amazon without authors’ consent
130私の博士論文がアマゾンで売られていた論文売買著者名不記載2021BBCAmazon removes Durham University students’ theses being sold online
130私の博士論文がアマゾンで売られていた論文売買ガイ・ラベンダーLavender, Guy2021LSE Impact BlogWhat happens when you find your open access PhD thesis for sale on Amazon?
129著者在順を売るロシアの業者論文売買アダム・マーカスMarcus, Adam2019Retraction WatchExclusive: Russian site says it has brokered authorships for more than 10,000 researchers
128蝕(むしば)まれている論文データベース・スコーパス(Scopus)。被乗取学術誌リストの開設被乗取学術誌アイヴァン・オランスキーOransky, Ivan2022Retraction WatchWant to know whether that journal is scamming you? Introducing the Retraction Watch Hijacked Journal Checker
128蝕(むしば)まれている論文データベース・スコーパス(Scopus)。被乗取学術誌リストの開設被乗取学術誌アンナ・アバルキナAbalkina, Anna2021Retraction WatchHow hijacked journals keep fooling one of the world’s leading databases
128蝕(むしば)まれている論文データベース・スコーパス(Scopus)。被乗取学術誌リストの開設被乗取学術誌モハメド・アル=アムルAl-Amr, Mohammed2020Retraction WatchHow did content from a hijacked journal end up in one of the world’s most-used databases?
127被乗取学術誌に関する2つの古典的論文被乗取学術誌ジョン・ボハノンBohannon, John2015ScienceHow to hijack a journal
127被乗取学術誌に関する2つの古典的論文被乗取学術誌メヘルダッド・ジャラリアンJalalian, Mehrdad2015Geographica PannonicaThe full story of 90 hijacked journals from August 2011 to June 2015
126架空著者:トシユキ・バンギ(番木俊之、Toshiyuki Bangi)偽造著者レベッカ・ソーンSohn, Rebecca2023Retraction WatchEight papers retracted after author found to be fictional
125架空著者:ドラガン・ロドリゲス(Dragan Rodriguez)偽造著者レベッカ・ソーンSohn, Rebecca2023Retraction WatchWho are you, Dragan Rodriguez? Fifteen studies have the same fake author, sleuth finds
124書いていないのに単著論文の著者偽造著者エリー・キンケイドKincaid, Ellie2023Retraction WatchA professor found her name on an article she didn’t write. Then it got worse
123ネカト告発で34億円ゲット(米)ネカト防止:キイタム訴訟エドワード・マーティンMartin, Edward2019Business North CarolinaDeceit at Duke: How fraud at a university research lab prompted a $112M fine
123ネカト告発で34億円ゲット(米)ネカト防止:キイタム訴訟アイヴァン・オランスキーOransky, Ivan2019Retraction WatchJoseph Thomas just earned $33.8 million in a $112.5 million settlement with Duke. Here’s his story
123ネカト告発で34億円ゲット(米)ネカト防止:キイタム訴訟米国司法省United States Department of Justice2019United States Department of JusticeOffice of Public Affairs | Duke University Agrees to Pay U.S. $112.5 Million to Settle False Claims Act Allegations Related to Scientific Research Misconduct
122ネカト防止戦略ネカト防止バーナード・フォードFord, Bernard2022JDSupraStrategies for Preventing Research Misconduct
121米国の研究不正規則の改訂ネカト規則テレサ・デフィーノDefino, Theresa2022Report on Research ComplianceGroups Seek Substantive Revisions to HHS Misconduct Regs
121米国の研究不正規則の改訂ネカト規則エリー・キンケイドKincaid, Ellie2022Retraction WatchUS federal research watchdog wants your input
121米国の研究不正規則の改訂ネカト規則健康福祉省Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the Secretary2022Federal RegisterRequest for Information and Comments on the 2005 Public Health Service Policies on Research Misconduct
120研究データ共有のハウツウ・ガイドデータ共有ジョスリン・カイザーKaiser, Jocelyn2023ScienceReady, set, share: Researchers brace for new data-sharing rules
119米国・会計検査院:「もっと厳密・透明に研究しろ!」研究再現性キャンディス・ライトWright, Candice N.2022U.S. GAOResearch Reliability: Federal Actions Needed to Promote Stronger Research Practices
119米国・会計検査院:「もっと厳密・透明に研究しろ!」研究再現性ジョーダン・スミスSmith, Jordan2022MeriTalkGAO: Feds Must Promote Stronger Research Practices
118ネカトハンター:スマット・クライド(Smut Clyde)ネカトハンターホリー・エルスElse, Holly2022NatureWhat makes an undercover science sleuth tick? Fake-paper detective speaks out
117著名文学者名の科学論文出版アダム・マーカスMarcus, Adam2022Retraction WatchMeet the publisher making the science of Bronte, Faulkner, and Whitman available for the first time
116査読にお金を払う時代?出版シルビア・グッドマンGoodman, Sylvia2022Chronicle of Higher EducationIs It Time to Pay Peer Reviewers?
115ネカト告発、もっと必要!ネカト告発アマン・マジムダールMajmudar, Aman2022UndarkOpinion: Science Needs Better Fraud Detection – And More Whistleblowers
114ビックのネカトハンター人生ネカトハンターエリザベス・ビックBik, Elisabeth2022New York TimesOpinion | Science Has a Nasty Photoshopping Problem
113オーストラリア南極基地も性的暴行・セクハラまみれ性不正メレディス・ナッシュNash, Meredith2022Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and WaterSummary of Nash review of diversity, equity, and inclusion in the Australian Antarctic program
112迫害された南極の性的暴行・セクハラ抗議者性不正ジェフリー・マーヴィスMervis, Jeffrey2022ScienceSexual harassment ignored by U.S. Antarctic research program, employees say
111南極研究は性的暴行・セクハラ地獄性不正ケイティ・ランギンLangin, Katie2022ScienceSexual harassment plagues Antarctic research
110フェイク論文のAI簡単作成法フェイクアキ・ペリッツPeritz, Aki2022Wire SciencePlagiarism: AI Is Making It Easier Than Ever for Students to Cheat ?
109米国・科学庁(NSF)の盗用調査と盗用防止策盗用テレサ・デフィーノDefino, Theresa2022Report on Research ComplianceCommon, Costly, Preventable? NSF OIG Finds Pearls in Review of 10 Years of Plagiarism Cases
109米国・科学庁(NSF)の盗用調査と盗用防止策盗用科学庁NSF2022NSFObservations from NSF Plagiarism Investigations and Strategies to Prevent Plagiarism
108米英中の大学院生の盗用裁判裁判ジョナサン・ベイリーBailey, Jonathan2017Plagiarism TodayAcademic Plagiarism, Real Courts
107巨額な研究費ロス研究費レイチェル・クーパーCooper, Rachel2019ReformMedical research waste: expensive to ignore, cheap to fix
107巨額な研究ロス研究費イアン・チャーマーズChalmers, Ian2009LancetAvoidable waste in the production and reporting of research evidence
107巨額な研究ロス研究費ポール・グラショウGlasziou, Paul2016BMJIs 85% of health research really “wasted”?
106「研究規範・研究公正」違犯の記事と事件の統計分析記事分析アンナ・アーモンドArmond, Anna2021BMC Med EthicsA scoping review of the literature featuring research ethics and research integrity cases
105ディープフェイクの脅威フェイクカトリーナ・クレーマーKrämer, Katrina2022Chemistry WorldAI-generated images could make it almost impossible to detect fake papers
105ディープフェイクの脅威フェイクニュースNEWS2022Mind MattersThe Threat That Deepfakes Pose to Science Journals
105ディープフェイクの脅威画像ロンシャン・ユー、俞容山Yu、Rongshan2022PatternsDeepfakes: A new threat to image fabrication in scientific publications?
104殺害脅迫、幽霊研究者、別人なりすまし:研究不正の不思議な世界ネカトエリーゼ・ワージントンWorthington, Elise2022ABC NewsDeath threats, ghost researchers and sock puppets: Inside the weird, wild world of dodgy academic research
103大学の性不正・アカハラを取り締まるNIHの新規則性不正・アカハラマイク・ラウアーLauer, Mike、(Michael Lauer)2022NIH Extramural NEXUSCongress Strengthens NIH’s Ability To Address Harassment in NIH-funded Activities
103大学の性不正・アカハラを取り締まるNIHの新規則性不正・アカハラジョスリン・カイザーKaiser, Jocelyn2022ScienceNIH gains new power to police sexual harassment
102ネカト告発のいろいろ告発レックス・ブーテBouter, Lex M.2017Accountability in ResearchBoth Whistleblowers and the Scientists They Accuse Are Vulnerable and Deserve Protection
102ネカト告発のいろいろ告発エリザベス・ビックBik, Elisabeth2021twitterMicrobiomDigest
101JBCの新しい研究公正部長はネカト者研究公正レオニッド・シュナイダーSchneider, Leonid2022For Better ScienceNew Expert at JBC
101JBCの新しい研究公正部長はネカト者研究公正学会スタッフASBMB Today Staff2022Society news briefsNew data integrity team members
100オーストラリアに研究公正局を作れ研究公正デイヴィッド・ボーVaux, David2022ConversationAustralia needs an Office for Research Integrity to catch up with the rest of the world
99大学は不正行為の隠蔽を止めよ!隠蔽ジュリー・マクファーレンMacfarlane, Julie2022Times Higher EducationHigher education must stop covering up misconduct
98守秘義務契約の使用廃止:英国の大学隠蔽ミシェル・ドネランDonelan, Michelle2022GOV.UKUniversities pledge to end use of non-disclosure agreements
97ビックのネカト告発方法告発エリザベス・ビックBik, Elisabeth2019Science Integrity DigestHow to report misconduct to a journal
96ビックの画像不正基準画像不正エリザベス・ビックBik, Elisabeth2020Science Integrity DigestOops!… I Did It Again. When to correct or retract?
952021年の研究公正局クロ件数が3件だった理由ネカトアイヴァン・オランスキーOransky, Ivan2022Retraction WatchA U.S. federal science watchdog made just three findings of misconduct in 2021. We asked them why.
94研究公正局のネカト調査集計:2021年ネカト研究公正局Office of Research Integrity2022ORI BlogORI Case Closures
93研究再現性の改善策:英議会の科学技術委員会研究再現性ドロシー・ビショップBishop, Dorothy2022Times Higher EducationWhat can be done to improve research integrity?
92研究公正の改善策:撤回監視の見解研究公正アリソン・アブリティスAbritis, Alison2022Reproducibility and research integritySupplementary Written Evidence Submitted by Retraction Watch and The Center for Scientific Integrity (RRE0097)
91ファイザー社のワクチン治験ネカト:3の3製薬企業ハリー・デ・ケットヴィルde Quetteville, Harry2021TelegraphBehind the scenes of Pfizer’s ‘world-beating’ vaccine trials
90ファイザー社のワクチン治験ネカト:3の2製薬企業マリアン・デマシDemasi, Maryanne2021Investigative JournalismFresh doubts over data integrity in Pfizer mRNA trial
89ファイザー社のワクチン治験ネカト:3の1製薬企業ポール・タッカーThacker, Paul D.2021BMJCovid-19: Researcher blows the whistle on data integrity issues in Pfizer’s vaccine trial
88真鍮(しんちゅう)のドレークプレート(Drake’s Plate of Brass)ネカトケイティ・ダウドDowd, Katie2021SFGATEThis ‘treasure’ rewrote California history. It was an elaborate hoax
87臨床試験での研究不正ネカトアレサンドラ・バッファBaffa, Alessandra2021Clinical LeaderWhat Is Scientific Research Misconduct Fraud In Clinical Research
86学術公正認知度の世界ランキング研究公正ユホン(ヘレン)・ジャンZhang, Yuehong(Helen)2021Forensic Sciences ResearchThe next steps in academic integrity — education, awareness, norms, duty and law
85心理学でのデータねつ造と改革ネカトイェルテ・ヴィヒャーツWicherts, Jelte2021NatureHow misconduct helped psychological science to thrive
84研究偽造と絵画偽造ネカトジェレミー・フォックスFox, Jeremy2021Dynamic EcologyScientific fraud vs. art forgery (or, why are so many scientific frauds so easy to detect?)
83研究の進め方と論文出版の大改革出版シミーン・ヴァジーアVazire, Simine2021iai newsScience needs a radical overhaul
82研究不正行為の合意なき定義研究公正ヒュー・デスモンドDesmond, Hugh2021BioethicsResearch integrity codes of conduct in Europe: Understanding the divergences
82研究不正行為の合意なき定義研究公正キャスリーン・オグレイディO’Grady, Cathleen2021ScienceWhat is research misconduct? European countries can’t agree
81セクハラは文化習慣の問題で制度の問題ではない性不正クリムゾン編集委員会Crimson Editorial Board2021Harvard CrimsonSexual Harassment Is A Culture Problem, Not A Policy One
80どうして研究不正するのか?ネカトジョナサン・ヘリントンHerington, Jonathan2021Research EthicsA phenomenographic study of scientists’ beliefs about the causes of scientists’ research misconduct
79研究者の51%がクログレイ、8%がねつ造・改ざんしていたネカトヨップ・ドフリージャde Vrieze, Jop2021ScienceLandmark research integrity survey finds questionable practices are surprisingly common
79研究者の51%がクログレイ、8%がねつ造・改ざんしていたネカトゴウリ・ゴパラクリシュナGopalakrishna, Gowri2021MetaArXivPrevalence of questionable research practices, research misconduct and their potential explanatory factors: a survey among academic researchers in The Netherlands
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71ネカトハンター・ビックを脅迫告発メリッサ・デイビーDavey, Melissa2021GuardianWorld expert in scientific misconduct faces legal action for challenging integrity of hydroxychloroquine study
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59学術詐欺の解決法ネカトポール・ウィルソンWilson, Paul2020ExchangesAcademic Fraud: Solving the crisis in modern academia
58欧州の研究公正ガバナンスネカトサンドラ・ベンディシオーリBendiscioli, Sandra2020 EMBO policy reportGovernance of research integrity: Options for a coordinated approach in Europe
57デタラメ論文と批判されたらネカトアンディ・テイTay, Andy2020Nature IndexWhat to do when your research comes under fire
56中国はネカトを厳罰化ネカトデイヴィッド・シラノスキーCyranoski, David2018NatureChina introduces ‘social’ punishments for scientific misconduct
55ネカトを刑法犯とするネカトラファエル・ダルレDal-Ré, Rafael2020Research EthicsShould research misconduct be criminalized?
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52科学公正とCOVID-19科学公正ジェシー・グッドマンGoodman, Jesse L.2020JAMAFinding Effective Treatments for COVID-19: Scientific Integrity and Public Confidence in a Time of Crisis
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50研究界のアカハラ問題アカハラホリー・エルスElse, Holly2018NatureDoes science have a bullying problem?
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48学術界のイジメと戦うアカハラマリア・スチュワートStewart, Maria Shine2018Inside Higher EdBattling Bullying in Academe
47米国の2019年採択ネカト研究研究公正研究公正局Office of Research Integrity2019ORI Blog8 Research on Research Integrity Grants Awarded
46グレインフリー(穀物不使用)ドッグフードニセ科学スティーブン・ノベラNovella, Steven2019NeuroLogica BlogGrain-Free Dog Food
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37捕食学術誌のICMJE推薦学術誌リストへの浸食捕食ラファエル・ダルレDal-Ré, Rafael2019Netherlands Journal of MedicineArticle: Potential predatory journals are colonizing the ICMJE recommendations list of followers
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35プランSの攻防出版シャーロット・ハウグHaug, Charlotte J.2019N Engl J MedNo Free Lunch — What Price Plan S for Scientific Publishing?
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30南アの論文報奨金論文報奨デイヴィッド・ヘディングHedding, David W.2019NaturePayouts push professors towards predatory journals
29ケイレブ・ラック助教授の捕食学術誌・捕食事件捕食ケイレブ・ラックLack, Caleb2018Center for InquiryPreying on the Predatory Journals: A Case Study
28ジョン・マックールの捕食論文悪ふざけ捕食ジョン・マックールMcCool, John2017ScientistWhy I Published in a Predatory Journal
27論文出版での脅迫・贈収賄・性的サービス論文報奨キーKey2010ChinaHushCommunication University professor’s casting couch affair
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27論文出版での脅迫・贈収賄・性的サービス論文と性サラ・ネッカーNecker, Sarah2014Social Science SpaceEconomists Behaving Badly Linked to Pressure to Publish
26論文報奨金論文報奨無記名(編集委員)2017NaturePublish or impoverish: Don’t pay prizes for published science
26論文報奨金論文報奨アリソン・アブリティスAbritis, Alison2017ScienceCash bonuses for peer-reviewed papers go global
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25ダニエル・ローパーズ「Nature」社長のスピーチ出版ダニエル・ローパーズRopers, Daniel2018NatureThe quest for more value – challenges of the scientific ecosystem in the absence of coordination: A Long Read
24捕食業者と研究者はグル捕食カタリナ・ピサンスキーPisanski, Katarzyna2017NaturePredatory journals recruit fake editor
24捕食業者と研究者はグル捕食ジーナ・コラータKolata, Gina2017NY TimesA Scholarly Sting Operation Shines a Light on ‘Predatory’ Journals
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23世界の理工医学(STM)学術出版の全体像出版ロブ・ジョンソンJohnson, Rob2018STM ReportAn overview of scientific and scholarly publishing 5th edition
22捕食出版社・オミックス社の経験捕食イゼット・マシックMasic, Izet2017Med ArchPredatory Publishing – Experience with OMICS International
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20ビールのライフワーク:捕食出版社との闘い捕食ジェフリー・ビールBeall, Jeffrey2017Biochem Med (Zagreb)What I learned from predatory publishers
19捕食学術誌の餌食にならない方法捕食リー・ガニョンGagnon, Lea2018Nature IndiaPublishing tips: How not to fall for a predatory journal
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17研究ネカトのコスト:1件5千万円コストエリザベス・ギャモンGammon, Elizabeth2013J Health Care FinanceResearch misconduct oversight: defining case costs
16もっと信頼できる調査報告書を調査シーケー・ガンセイラスGunsalus, C. K.2018JAMAInstitutional Research Misconduct Reports Need More Credibility
15著者の論文貢献度指数著者在順ステファン・ボイヤーBoyer, Stéphane2017Research Integrity and Peer ReviewPercentage-based Author Contribution Index: a universal measure of author contribution to scientific articles
14博士論文の代行します53~630万円論文代行キャス・エリスEllis, Cath2018International Journal for Educational IntegrityThe infernal business of contract cheating: understanding the business processes and models of academic custom writing sites
13教科書著者:製薬企業からの報酬の非開示利益相反ブライアン・パイパーPiper, Brian J.2018AJOB Empirical BioethicsUndisclosed conflicts of interest among biomedical textbook authors
12製薬企業が臨床試験を腐敗させた製薬ジェイ・アムステルダムAmsterdam, Jay D2017Psychiatr. Pol.Industry-corrupted psychiatric trials
11大学と企業のネカト比較事件分析サイモン・ゴデチャルGodecharle, Simon2017Sci Eng EthicsScientists Still Behaving Badly? A Survey Within Industry and Universities
10ネカトの仕方教えます事件分析ニコラ・リゥジエーRougier, Nicolas P.2017hal-01562601Ten Simple Rules for Scientific Fraud & Misconduct
9ネカト事件40件の分析事件分析ウルフガング・ストレーベStroebe, Wolfgang2012Perspectives on Psychological ScienceScientific Misconduct and the Myth of Self-Correction in Science
8ロシアの盗用博士論文盗博アンドレイ・ロストフツェフRostovtsev, Andrei2016Copy, Shake, and PasteFake Academic Degrees in Russia
7生命科学者の書いた研究ネカト総説ネカトデイヴィッド・ボーVaux, David L.2016Handbook of Academic IntegrityScientific misconduct: falsification, fabrication, and misappropriation of credit
6研究ネカト被告発者が後悔する8つの無知ネカトカラン・シュタインStein, Callan2015Retraction Watch8 things you might not know about research misconduct proceedings
5研究ジャーナルの論文撤回規定論文撤回デイヴィッド・レズニックResnik, David B.2015J Med Libr AssocRetraction policies of top scientific journals ranked by impact factor
4米国・細胞生物学会の研究再現性問題への対策再現性マーク・ウィニーWiney, Mark2015A White Paper from the American Society for Cell BiologyHow Can Scientists Enhance Rigor in Conducting Basic Research and Reporting Research Results
3ステネック(Nicholas H. Steneck)の研究公正の古典的論文研究公正ニコラス・ステネックSteneck, Nicholas H.2006Sci Eng EthicsFostering Integrity in Research: Definitions, Current Knowledge, and Future Directions
2フィールド研究界に蔓延するセクハラと性的暴力性不正キャスリン・クランシ―Clancy, Kathryn2014PLOS ONESurvey of Academic Field Experiences (SAFE): Trainees Report Harassment and Assault
1ねつ造医学論文を出版する捕食出版社捕食エリザベス・セグランSegran, Elizabeth2015Fast CompanyCuckoo for Cocoa Puffs?
1ねつ造医学論文を出版する捕食出版社捕食ジョセフ・ストロンバーグStromberg , Joseph2014VoxA paper by Maggie Simpson and Edna Krabappel was accepted by two scientific journals
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1ねつ造医学論文を出版する捕食出版社捕食クロエ・コスタCosta, Chloe2015Cheat SheetWhy Medicine is Plagued with Fake Research

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2025-3査読は科学上の不正行為を防ぐためのものである。しかし、査読自体にも問題がある。 --- Peer review is meant to prevent scientific misconduct. But it has its own problemsconversation●査読
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2025-2社会科学は壊れている。これを修復する方法はこれだ。 --- Social Science Is Broken. Here’s How to Fix It.chronicle◎Andrew Gelman
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2025-2研究の不正行為を防ぎ、知的財産を保護するために導入されたリッチアプリ--- RICH App Introduced To Prevent Research Misconduct And Protect Intellectual PropertyBusiness Manchester●ネカト防止
2025-2研究の不正行為は止められないようになっていますか? --- Is research misconduct becoming unstoppable?ijme●ネカト
2025-2イタリアの研究の完全性を強化する:ローマの画期的なコミットメント --- Strengthening research integrity in Italy: a landmark commitment in Romefrontiers●ローマ宣言
2025-2アカデミック出版物は完全に壊れていますAcademic Publication is Utterly Broken
2025-2私はあなたに法医学的メタエッセンスに関する本を書きました --- I Have Written You A Book On Forensic Metasciencejamesclaims●James Heathers
2025-2引用ミルとプリプリントサーバーを介した引用操作 --- Citation manipulation through citation mills and pre-print serversScientific Reports●引用工場
2025-2学問の評判の操作のための知的財産システムの搾取 --- Exploitation of intellectual property systems for the manipulation of academic reputationszenodo●特許工場
2025-2「パテントミルズ」科学者の販売奇妙な医療機器の発明者 --- ‘Patent mills’ sell scientists inventorship of bizarre medical devicesScience | AAAS●特許工場
2025-2最後の手段の規律 --- The Discipline of Last Resortinquisitive◎Ivan Oransky & Adam Marcus
2025-2どの大学が最も科学論文を撤回していますか? --- Which universities have the most science papers retracted?Mind Matters〇どの大学
2025-2撤回データが科学をクリーンアップするための強力なツールになる理由 --- Why retractions data could be a powerful tool for cleaning up sciencenature●クリーンアップ
2025-2これらの大学には、最も撤回された科学記事があります --- : These universities have the most retracted scientific articlesnature●どの大学
2025-2革新的なアプリリッチは、研究の不正行為とその費用のかかる結果を防ぎます --- Revolutionary App RICH Prevents Research Misconduct and Its Costly Consequences Markets Insider●ネカト防止方法
2025-2ネカトハンターが出版社に雇われるとき:ニックワイズとのQ&A --- When a sleuth gets hired by a publisher: A Q&A with Nick WiseRetraction Watch●ニック・ワイズ
2025-2新しい本は、Claudine Gay Harvard Plagiarismスキャンダルの詳細を公開しています--- New book exposes details on Claudine Gay Harvard plagiarism scandalCollege Fix●書籍:ゲイの盗用
2025-2学問の完全性を強化するためのリーダーシップの呼びかけ --- A call for leadership in strengthening academic integritystanforddaily●スタンフォード大学
2025-2アンナ大学は、研究の不規則性を抑制する罰則を課しています --- Anna University imposes penalties to curb irregularities in researchdtnext●罰則、インド
2025-2トランプ政権は科学を標的にしています。科学公正法は、それを保護するのに役立ちます--- The Trump Administration Is Targeting Science. The Scientific Integrity Act Could Help Protect ItUnion of Concerned Scientists●科学公正法
2025-2すべての「捕食誌」が同じではありません:疑わしいジャーナルのスペクトルを探る --- Not All ‘Predators’ Are the Same: Exploring the Spectrum of Questionable JournalsSocArXiv●捕食学術誌
2025-2「真実を追求する士気を失い、麻痺する科学者」:Ivan OranskyとのQ&A --- “Demoralizing and Paralyzing Scientists Pursuing the Truth”: Q&A with Ivan OranskyHeterodox Academy◎Ivan Oransky
2025-2ICYMI:Science Editorは、整合性の質問への取り組みを公に奨励しています--- ICYMI: Science editor encourages addressing integrity questions publiclyRetraction Watch◎Holden Thorp ホールデンソープ
2025-2沈黙を破る --- Breaking the silence Science◎Holden Thorp ホールデンソープ
2025-2The Extortionists, by M. Angeles Oviedo-GarciaFor Better Science●引用強制
2025-2科学機関には、予測的な服従の長い歴史があります|意見 --- Scientific institutions have a long history of anticipatory obedienceOpinion | Chemistry World◎服従
2025-220,000人の科学者が非現実的な料金で公開すると、研究は述べています --- 20,000 scientists publish at unrealistic rates, study sayscen●多数論文出版者
2025-2科学の変色したイメージに対処 --- Addressing the tarnished image of scienceResearch Information●研究公正
2025-2研究の完全性をサポートするためのコンコルダットのコンプライアンスに関するDWP年次声明、2024年から2025年 --- DWP annual statement on compliance with the Concordat to Support Research Integrity, 2024 to 2025GOV.UK●英国政府:研究公正
2025-2生成AIがどのように変化して引用を変えているか:あなたが知る必要があること --- How GenAI is Transforming Citation: What You Need To KnowEducation Today●生成AI
2025-2非公開の紛争、稲妻のピアレビュー:麻薬の失敗における1つのアルツハイマー病のジャーナルの役割 --- Undisclosed conflicts, lightning-fast peer review: One Alzheimer’s journal’s role in a failed drugRetraction Watch●書籍:Charles Piller
2025-1高度に引用された研究者:リストの解剖学|定量的科学研究 --- Highly Cited Researchers: anatomy of a list | Quantitative Science StudiesMIT Press●高被引用者
2025-1撤退の大物は、科学が危機にinしていることを意味しますか?しそうにない --- Does the glut of retractions mean science is in crisis? Hardlytimeshighereducation●ドロシー・ビショップ
2025-1英国の大邸宅から運営されている怪しげなビジネスは、平凡な研究を出版することで数百万を稼ぐために科学雑誌を買収しています --- A shady business operated out of a British mansion is buying up scientific journals to earn millions by publishing mediocre studies EL PAÍS English●論文工場
2025-1「衝撃的な」決定において、日本は2つの有効性試験で失敗したMPOX薬を承認します --- In a ‘shocker’ decision, Japan approves mpox drug that failed in two efficacy trialsScience | AAAS●日本の異常
2025-1現代の研究における不正の台頭 --- The rise of dishonesty in modern researchPeople Daily●不正の台頭
2025-1研究詐欺への対処 --- Addressing Research FraudGood Science Project●ネカト対処
2025-1学術出版におけるインセンティブの不整合とジャーナル改革への影響 --- The misalignment of incentives in academic publishing and implications for journal reform PNAS◎学術出版
2025-1なぜピアレビューが科学の新世界で時代遅れになっているのか --- Why Peer Review is Outdated in the New World of Sciencenewfireenergy●査読
2025-1科学的不正行為の調査は困難です。特に、スーパーバイザーが著者である場合 --- Investigating scientific misconduct is hard—especially when your supervisor is an authorScience | AAAS●ネカト告発
2025-1偽の論文は、世界の科学文献を汚染し、腐敗した産業を促進し、合法的な救命医学研究を遅くしています --- Fake papers are contaminating the world’s scientific literature, fueling a corrupt industry and slowing legitimate lifesaving medical researchconversation●偽の論文:Frederik Joelving
2025-1わー: 「医学雑誌」とヘッドハンターが私を欲しがっている!? --- うWow: ”medical journals” & headhunters want me?!?Gary Schwitzer◎面白い
2025-1世俗的な成功を達成できるジャンク科学への7つのステップ --- 7 steps to junk science that can achieve worldly successStatistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science◎ジャンク科学
2025-1イノベーションのゆっくりとしたキャンセル:現代の資金調達の批判的な見方 --- The Slow Cancellation of Innovation: A critical look at modern fundingGood Science Project◎研究界の老化
2025-2不正加工|アルツハイマー病の治療における詐欺、傲慢、そして悲劇 --- Doctored | Book by Charles PillerSimon & Schuster◎チャールズ・ピラー著の本
2025-1意見 |アルツハイマー病研究における不正の長い影 --- Opinion | The Long Shadow of Fraud in Alzheimer’s ResearchNew York Times◎チャールズ・ピラー著
2025-1破滅への研究: 悪化する学術詐欺の恐怖 --- Research to Ruin: The Worsening Spectre of Academic Fraud C2C Journal◎カナダ
2025-1一部の研究者はデータを「ドーピング」 – 2024 年の不正行為スキャンダルを振り返る --- Some researchers 'dope' their data – A look back at the cheating scandals of 2024sciencenorway●2024年
2025-1黒いプラスチックやその他の研究が修正または撤回された後も「ゾンビの事実」は生き続ける--- 'Zombie facts' live on after black plastic and other studies get corrected or retractedCBC News●オランスキー
2025-1研究不正行為の地理的格差: 国別の撤回パターンの分析 --- Geographical Disparities in Research Misconduct: Analyzing Retraction Patterns by CountryJournal of Medical Internet Research●日本は撤回率6位
2025-12022年から2024年までの国ごとの景気後退分析。出版物の増加により撤回率が上昇。 --- Country-wise Retraction Analysis from 2022-2024. Increased Publishing Leading to Higher Retraction Rates.zenodo●日本は撤回率16位
2025-1「研究者には出版する責任がある」 --- ‘Researchers have a responsibility to publish’Times Higher Education (THE)◎研究者
2025-1データ探偵の仕事は報われません。撤回のクレジットを取得する必要があります --- Data sleuths’ work is thankless. They must get credit for retractionsTimes Higher Education (THE)◎ハンター
2025-1科学研究不正行為者には厳しい罰則が待っている --- Harsh penalties await scientific research fraudstersCourt●中国の厳罰化
2025-1研究者が言う出版指標の指標が優れている14の大学 --- The 14 universities with publication metrics researchers say are too good to be trueRetraction Watch●ランク不正
2025-1ビブリオメトリクスを使用して、疑わしい著者名と所属に関する慣行と、それらが世界的な研究指標に及ぼす影響を検出する: 14 大学のケーススタディ --- Using bibliometrics to detect questionable authorship and affiliation practices and their impact on global research metrics: A case study of 14 universitiesMIT Press●ランク不正
2025-1科学研究の不正行為を告発し内部告発者が20万ドルを受け取る --- Whistleblower Receives $200K After Alleging Scientific Research Misconductwhistleblowersblog●20万ドル。解説済(7-167
2025-1なぜEVの完全輸送は詐欺であり不可能なのか --- Why Total EV transport is a Fraud and ImpossibleSri Lanka Guardian●アンチ温暖化
2025-1大学「落ちこぼれの学者がオンライン虐待の標的に」 --- Universities ‘failing academics targeted by online abuse’timeshighereducation●オンライン虐待
2025-1被引用数の多い「早熟」な若手科学者が急増 --- ‘Precocious’ early-career scientists with high citation counts proliferatenature●出版不正
2024-10早熟な引用の特徴とシグナルが影響を与える: メタリサーチ研究 --- Features and signals in precocious citation impact: a meta-research studybioRxiv●出版不正:John P.A. Ioannidis
2025-1(3) 学術不正は阻止できるのか? --- (3) Can Academic Fraud Be Stopped? LinkedIn●学術不正:オランスキー
2024-12原子のように薄いサラミのスライスに最近遭遇した --- Recent encounters with atom-thin salami slicingReese Richardson●サラミ出版
2024-12論文撤回のブラックボックスを開く: データ管理エラーの原因と結果を探る --- Opening the black box of article retractions: exploring the causes and consequences of data management errorsRoyal Society Open Science●撤回
2024-12ジャーナルの撤回は科学が機能することを証明する - 兵器化されるまで --- Journal retractions prove science works – until they are weaponizedSTAT●撤回
2024-12テニュアトラック教員は、大学院に行った両親を持つ可能性が高い - この傾向は 50 年間変わっていない --- Tenure-track faculty are likely to have parents who went to grad school — a trend that hasn’t changed for 50 yearsHigher Ed Dive●世襲学者
2024-12科学的詐欺と隠蔽を暴く – CDC 資金提供による最近の研究の事例 --- Exposing Scientific Fraud and Cover-up – the Case of a Recent CDC-Funded Studysiguna●詐欺と隠蔽
2024-12リトラクション・ウォッチ --- Retraction WatchAdventist Review●撤回監視
2024-12「自信を持って本当に間違っている」: 方法論的に矛盾した査読フィードバックに対する質的研究者の経験 --- “Being Really Confidently Wrong”: Qualitative Researchers’ Experiences of Methodologically Incongruent Peer Review Feedbackpsycnet.apa●査読
2024-12MetaArXiv プレプリント |研究公正をテーマとした学術小説 --- MetaArXiv Preprints | Academic novels on research integrity Academic novelsosf●小説
2024-12科学者であることについて 責任ある倫理的な研究行為に関する最新のオンライン ガイド--- On Being a Scientist An Updated and Online Guide to the Responsible and Ethical Conduct of ResearchNational Academies●改訂版
2024-12フィンランド出版フォーラム、数百のFrontiersとMDPIジャーナルを格下げへ --- Finland Publication Forum will downgrade hundreds of Frontiers and MDPI journalsRetraction Watch●FrontiersとMDPI
2024-12犯罪は報われる --- Crime paysTol Tales●論文工場から年25万ドル
2024-12The 100% CI100.ci●まんが
2024-12学術出版に信頼信用機関は必要ですか? --- Do we need a trust credit agency in scholarly publishing?world.hey●信用機関
2024-12検出か欺瞞: 研究不正行為における AI の諸刃の剣 --- Detection or Deception: The Double-Edged Sword of AI in Research MisconductScientist●人工知能
2024-12人工知能時代における研究不正行為の検出 --- Detecting Research Misconduct in the Age of Artificial IntelligenceScientist●人工知能
2024-12研究が秘密である場合に科学を一般の人々と共有する方法 --- How to share science with the public when your research is secretScience | AAAS●部外秘
2024-12米国の科学助成機関が雑誌論文への無料アクセスに関するポリシーを展開 --- U.S. science funding agencies roll out policies on free access to journal articlesScience | AAAS●無料アクセス。日本語訳(crisp_bio
2024-12ゲスト投稿 - 中国の科学技術ジャーナルの優秀性行動計画の評価: 研究への影響と基準の新時代?--- Guest Post - Evaluating China’s Science and Technology Journal Excellence Action Plan: A New Era of Research Impact and Standards?Scholarly Kitchen●中国の学術誌改革
2024-12非科学的な社会科学は偽りのふりをして取引されている --- Unscientific social science is trading under false pretencestimeshighereducation◎社会科学
2024-12見せかけの感覚 --- A sense of shamNew Zealand Geographic◎スマット・クライド
2024-12モンキーロンダリングの汚いビジネスを観る ---Watch The Dirty Business of Monkey LaunderingBloomberg◎実験動物
2024-12粗末なコメント、つまりより大きな影響力を与える数字への近道で汚い手段が増加している--- Shoddy commentaries—a quick and dirty route to higher impact numbers—are on the riseScience | AAAS●コメント論文の氾濫
2024-12「研究の公正性を維持する取り組みへの汚名を着せろ」 --- ‘Destigmatise efforts to uphold research integrity’Research Professional News●研究公正
2024-12ニセ科学との戦いの先頭に立つパリ宣言 --- Paris declaration to spearhead fight against fake scienceResearch Information●パリ宣言
2024-12NOT-OD-25-047: 2024 NIH パブリック アクセス ポリシー --- NOT-OD-25-047: 2024 NIH Public Access PolicyNIH●NIHの成果公表規則
2024-12元NIH内部関係者による率直かつ痛烈な意見 --- Some Candid and Scathing Opinions from a Former NIH Insidergoodscience●NIH改革
2024-12分類の変更 --- Changes to the classificationPublication Forum●MDPIとFrontiersなどの格下げ
2024-12ゴミから宝物を取り出す --- Extracting treasure from trash Opinion | Chemistry World●クリーンアップが必要
2024-12捕食出版の台頭 --- The rise of predatory publishingGreece@LSE●捕食出版
2024-122025 年の捕食出版 --- Predatory Publishing in 2025Research Information●捕食出版
2024-12アルツハイマー病研究における不正行為はどの程度悪質なのか?神経科医の探偵マシュー・シュラグ氏との QA --- How Bad Is Fraud in Alzheimer’s Research? Q&A With Neurologist-Sleuth Matthew SchragBeing Patient●アルツハイマー病研究
2024-12[2412.03775]WithdrarXiv: 撤回研究のための大規模データセット --- [2412.03775] WithdrarXiv: A Large-Scale Dataset for Retraction Studyarxiv.org●14,000 以上の撤回論文
2024-12それはとてもメタです — NIH の科学の科学奨学生プログラム パイロットの応募受付中 – NIH Extramural Nexus --- That’s So Meta — Applications Open for NIH’s Science of Science Scholars Program PilotNIH Extramural Nexus●科学の科学
2024-12科学コミュニケーションの危機をマッピングする (ただし解決はしない) --- Mapping (but not solving) the science communication crisisuniversityworldnews●学術の規模
2024-12新たな調査で画期的なチカグレロル裁判に疑問が投げかけられる --- New Investigation Casts Doubt on Landmark Ticagrelor Trialmedscape●チカグレロル裁判
2024-12「第二の生命の樹」が大混乱を引き起こす可能性、科学者らが警告 --- A ‘Second Tree of Life’ Could Wreak Havoc, Scientists WarnNew York Times●ミラー分子
2024-12中国ガラガラジャーナル編集者からの賄賂の申し出。彼らは騙されているのでしょうか?--- Bribery offers from China rattle journal editors. Are they being scammed?Retraction Watch●賄賂
2024-12カナダにおける民間資金による研究に対する監督の欠如に対する懸念 --- Concerns over lack of oversight for privately funded research in Canada
2024-12韓国、学術「論文工場」による増大する脅威に直面、報告書が判明 --- South Korea Faces Growing Threat from Academic 'Paper Mills,' Report FindsBe Korea-savvy●韓国
2024-12ResearchGate での指標詐欺 --- Metrics fraud on ResearchGateJournal of Informetrics●指標詐欺
2024-12なぜ学術著者は精子提供者と同じように使い捨てにされるのでしょうか? --- Why are academic authors treated as disposably as sperm donors?timeshighereducation●使い捨て
2024-12世界で最も引用されている数十人の科学者がサウジアラビアで働いていると虚偽の主張をやめる --- Dozens of the world’s most cited scientists stop falsely claiming to work in Saudi ArabiaEL PAÍS English●サウジの高被引用
2024-12「とても不快な気分だった」:この科学者の名前は偽の査読を書くために使われた--- ‘It felt very icky’: This scientist’s name was used to write fake peer reviewsScience | AAAS●なりすまし
2024-12アフリカの高等教育機関における研究公正ポリシーはほとんど存在しない --- Research integrity policies in African HE few and far betweenuniversityworldnews●アフリカ
2024-11中国寧夏回族自治区の医療専門家における研究の誠実さに関する知識、態度、実践に関する研究 --- A study on the knowledge, attitude, and practice of research integrity among medical professionals in Ningxia, ChinaBMC Medical Education●アンケート:中国
2024-11科学全体にわたる非常に生産的な出版行動の進化するパターン--- Evolving patterns of extremely productive publishing behavior across sciencebioRxiv●有力者の論文撤回
2024-11論文工場とは何か、その仕組みと科学への影響: 氷山の一角の紹介 --- What are paper mills, how they act and their consequences to science: an introduction to the tip of the icebergnathannerost● 論文工場
2024-11高被引用研究者 - 分析 - 2024 |クラリベイト --- Highly Cited Researchers - Analysis - 2024Clarivate● 「Highly Cited Researchers 2024」
2024-11引用数と身長:もはやそれほど単純ではありません --- Citations and stature: Not so simple anymoreClarivate● 「Highly Cited Researchers 2024」リスト
2024-11贖罪としての自己撤回:悔い改めた著者のための許し --- Self-Retraction as Redemption: Forgiveness for Repentant AuthorsOSF Preprints● 自己撤回
2024-11USF教授による新しい研究は、州の医療委員会の役割と誤った情報の拡散に焦点を当てています --- New study by USF professor focuses on role of state medical boards and the spread of misinformationUniversity of South Florida●医療誤情報
2024-12言葉を使うとき・・・学術上の重罪と軽罪—悪影響--- When I use a word . . . Academic felonies and misdemeanours—adverse effectsBMJ●犯罪
2024-11私が言葉を使うとき...アカデミック・インテグリティ—重罪と軽犯罪 --- When I use a word . . . Academic integrity—felonies and misdemeanoursBMJ●犯罪
2024-11SciCrunchのアニタ・バンドロウスキーへのインタビュー --- Kitchen Essentials: An Interview with Anita Bandrowski of SciCrunchScholarly Kitchen●アニタ・バンドロウスキー
2024-11グリーンオープンアクセス - 著者は無料ですが、読者は有料 --- Green Open Access - Free for Authors But at a Cost for ReadersScholarly Kitchen〇グリーンオープンアクセス
2024-11スイスの研究は、科学論文の撤退という成長現象の影響を受けません --- La recherche suisse n'échappe pas au phénomène grandissant des retraits d'articles scientifiquesrts.ch - Sciences-Tech.〇スイス
2024-11106. ユージェニー・ライヒ(パート2):科学的詐欺の合法性、詐欺師が刑務所に行くことがめったにない理由、内部告発者が何をすることが許されているか --- 106. Eugenie Reich (Part 2): The legalities of scientific fraud, why fraudsters rarely go to prison, and what whistleblowers are allowed to dobjks●Eugenie Reich
2024-11105. ユージェニー・ライヒ(パート1):プラスチック・ファンタスティック、科学的な詐欺、制度的規範 --- 105. Eugenie Reich (Part 1): Plastic Fantastic, scientific fraud, and institutional normsbjks●Eugenie Reich
2024-11ランキング圧力が研究の信頼性を損なう --- Ranking Pressure Takes Toll On Research CredibilityFortune India●論文工場
2024-11論文が多すぎてもかまいませんか? --- Can you publish too many papers?Research Whisperer●多数論文出版
2024-11生物医学科学者は、自分の発見を再現するのに苦労しています --- Biomedical scientists struggle to replicate own findingstimeshighereducation●再現性
2024-11研究の再現性に関する生物医学研究者の視点 --- Biomedical researchers’ perspectives on the reproducibility of researchPLOS Biology●再現性
2024-11疑わしい研究慣行、科学的規範、組織文化との関連性を探る --- Investigating the links between questionable research practices, scientific norms and organisational cultureResearch Integrity and Peer Review | Full Text●クログレイと文化
2024-11STATの「知っておくべき人」:話題の7人の科学探偵 --- STAT's Who to Know: 7 science sleuths making headlinesSTAT●ネカトハンター
2024-11科学倫理における国境を越えたバリエーション:中国、米国、英国の科学者の倫理的視点の探求 --- Cross-National Variations in Scientific Ethics: Exploring Ethical Perspectives Among Scientists in China, the US, and the UK Science and Engineering Ethics●出版プレッシャ―
2024-11捕食出版とジャーナルの台頭 --- The rise of predatory publishing and journalsBritish Dental Journal●捕食
2024-11偽の学位やゾンビ大学を追い詰める方法 --- How I hunt down fake degrees and zombie universitiesnature●ゾンビ大学
2024-11抗体が効かない!実験を台無しにする分子を研究室から排除する競争 --- The antibodies don’t work! The race to rid labs of molecules that ruin experimentsnature●抗体
2024-11ChatGPTはピアレビューを変革しています - 私たちはどのように責任を持ってそれを使うことができるのでしょうか? --- ChatGPT is transforming peer review — how can we use it responsibly?nature●ChatGPT 日本語訳(gigazine)
2024-11「忌まわしい研究」 --- "Afskyelig forskning"Forskerforum●中国の人種問題
2024-11ジョナサン・ハイトは、ソーシャルメディア戦争を始めた。彼は勝ったのでしょうか? --- Jonathan Haidt Started a Social-Media War. Did He Win?chronicle●社交メディア
2024-11書評:なぜ医療体制はしばしばそれを間違えるのか --- Book Review: Why the Medical Establishment Often Gets It Wrongundark●医療の間違い
2024-11偽の学位やゾンビ大学を追い詰める方法 --- How I hunt down fake degrees and zombie universitiesnature●教育詐欺、学位工場
2023高等教育における偽の学位と不正な資格情報 --- Fake Degrees and Fraudulent Credentials in Higher EducationSpringer 著書●教育詐欺、学位工場
2024-10出版社は、研究著作権に関する「偏った」EU報告書を非難 --- Publishers blast ‘biased’ EU report on research copyrightResearch Professional News●著作権
2024-10査読プロセスにおける根本的な問題と、改善のための潜在的な提案に対する利害関係者の認識--- Fundamental problems in the peer‐review process and stakeholders' perceptions of potential suggestions for improvementLearned Publishing - Wiley Online Library●査読
2024-10論文工場からの科学論文を来歴分析で公開 --- Unveiling scientific articles from paper mills with provenance analysisPLOS ONE●論文工場
2024-10スキャンダルから改革へ:ターニングポイントにおける研究公正へのアプローチ --- From scandal to reform: approaches to research integrity at a turning pointtandfonline●歴史的
2024-10なぜすべての研究者が自分のデータをオープンに共有しないのですか? --- Why don’t all researchers share their data openly?timeshighereducation●共有
2024-10アカデミーは、出版物の共有に関するEU全体のルールを求めています--- Academies call for EU-wide rules on sharing publicationsResearch Professional News●共有
2024-10汝、してはならない!– 研究不正スキャンダルの制度的な後世が研究公正トレーニングをどのように形成するか --- Thou Shalt Not! – How the institutional afterlife of research misconduct scandals shapes research integrity trainingtandfonline●研修
2024-10社説:記事の撤回は研究者のメンタルヘルスを危険にさらす可能性がありますか? --- Editorial: can the retraction of articles endanger the mental health of researchers?tandfonline●論文撤回者
2024-10なぜ人々は科学を選択的に否定するのですか? --- Why do people selectively reject science?immunologic●信じる根拠
2024-10ヘルシンキ宣言に研究不正を追加 --- Declaration of Helsinki revision adds nod to research misconductRetraction Watch◎ヘルシンキ宣言
2024-10研究の公正性のための変革的合意の活用 --- Leveraging Transformative Agreements for Research IntegrityScholarly Kitchen
2024-10Google Scholarは(まだ)壊れていませんが、代替手段があります|社会科学の影響 --- Google Scholar is not broken (yet), but there are alternativesImpact of Social Sciences
2024-10論文工場:不正な科学雑誌の背後にいる「カルテルのような」企業 --- Paper mills: the ‘cartel-like’ companies behind fraudulent scientific journalsconversation●論文工場
2024-10あなたが何を持っているかは、それがなくなるまでわかりません:英国の学術社会出版の変化する風景 --- You don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone: the changing landscape of UK learned society publishingInsights●学術出版
2024-10私が言葉を使うとき...アカデミック・インテグリティ - 簡単な歴史、提案された定義、ガイドライン、違反 --- When I use a word . . . Academic integrity—a brief history, a proposed definition, guidelines, and violationsBMJ●研究公正
2024-10動物実験に反対する科学者たちは、自分たちが仲間によって凍結されていると主張 --- Scientists who object to animal testing claim they are frozen out by peersIndependent◎動物実験
2024-10メタリサーチが研究について教えてくれたことと研究実践の変化 --- What meta‐research has taught us about research and changes to research practicesonlinelibrary◎ジョン・アイオアニディス
2024-10学術出版物における科学的完全性の解明:計量書誌学的アプローチ--- Unveiling scientific integrity in scholarly publications: a bibliometric approachInternational Journal for Educational Integrity◎研究公正
2024-10学術出版:部屋の中の象(およびその他の野生生物) --- Scholarly Publishing: The Elephant (And Other Wildlife) In The RoomScholarly Kitchen◎査読
2024-10進歩派は、自分の好きな科学的発見についてもっと心配すべきだ --- Progressives should worry more about their favorite scientific findingssmallpotatoes◎視点がユニーク
2024-10アルツハイマー病の臨床試験で製薬会社がボランティアに伝えなかったこと--- What Drugmakers Did Not Tell Volunteers in Alzheimer’s Trials - The New York TimesNew York Times●製薬会社
2024-10捕食学学術誌の暴露:匿名の探偵アカウントが公開される --- Exposing predatory journals: anonymous sleuthing account goes publicnature●グラハム・ケンダルの話
2024-10詐欺師、嘘つき、強盗:高等教育の危機 --- Cheaters, Liars, and Robbers: A Higher Education CrisisMinding The Campus●高等教育の危機
2024-10研究の不正行為を振り返る:ウォッチャーコミュニティの次は? --- Reflecting on research misconduct: What’s next for the watcher community?Retraction Watch●研究不正
2024-10「グリーン水素」は単なる別の気候詐欺 --- ‘Green Hydrogen’ Just Another Climate Scamgoodoil●グリーン水素
2024-10論文工場の課題:過去、現在、未来 --- Paper Mill challenges: past, present and futurJournal of Clinical Epidemiology●論文工場
2024-10全く新しい倫理審査制度を提案 – 研究者の勝利 - --- Completely new system for ethical review proposed – a victory for researchersUniversitetsläraren●倫理審査
2024-10査読の黎明期:過去のレポートから得られる5つの洞察 --- The early days of peer review: five insights from historical reportsnature●査読の黎明期:
2024-10ネカトハンターからの公開書簡により、Scientific Reportsの研究公正性に対する懸念が提起される --- Open letter from fraud sleuths raises concerns over research integrity at Scientific ReportsChemistry World●公開書簡
2024-10Scientific Reportsに関する公開書簡--- An open letter regarding Scientific ReportsBishopBlog:●公開書簡
2024-10科学の「インテグリティ」とその不満 --- Science 'Integrity' and Its DiscontentsMinding The Campus◎研究公正
2024-10疑わしい研究慣行、科学的規範、組織文化との関連性を探る --- Investigating the links between questionable research practices, scientific norms and organisational cultureResearch Integrity and Peer Review◎クログレイ
2024-10盗用、撤回された記事、疑わしい参照:研究工場がハンガリーに到着しました --- Plagizált, visszavont cikkek, gyanús hivatkozások: Magyarországra is megérkeztek a tanulmánygyárakTelex◎論文工場物語
2024-10私の論文は間違っていることが証明されました。眠れない夜を過ごした後、次に私がしたことは次のとおりです --- My paper was proved wrong. After a sleepless night, here’s what I did nextnature〇個人体験
2024-10隠されたヒドラ:ある論文工場の操業の大規模なフットプリントを明らかにする --- Hidden hydras: uncovering the massive footprint of one paper mill’s operationsRetraction Watch●論文工場
2024-9研究詐欺と不正行為 --- Research Fraud and MisconductIrish Medical Journal◎研究詐欺と不正行為
2024-9科学的開示と企業不正行為 --- Scientific disclosure and corporate misconductPacific-Basin Finance Journal◎透明性と不正
2024-9査読の民営化 --- Privatizing ReviewIRB Lessons●査読の民営化
2024-9AI盗作は大学教授を圧倒している --- AI Plagiarism Is Overwhelming College Professors Business Insider◎AI
2024-9中国の科学者は、しばしば自国の研究を引用します。それは世界の研究ランキングを歪めていませんか? --- China’s scientists often cite work from their own nation. Is that skewing global research rankings?Science | AAAS◎中国の問題、日本語訳(gigazine)
2024-9EPAの監察総監室がEPAの科学公正局を批判 --- EPA’s Office of Inspector General Criticizes the EPA Scientific Integrity OfficeUnion of Concerned Scientists●EPAの問題
2024-9研究不正行為に関する新しいガイドラインは、さまざまな反応を引き出します --- New guidelines on research misconduct draw mixed responsestat●ORIの新規則
2024-9「出版するか滅びるか」という考え方が、研究論文の撤回を助長し、科学を弱体化させています --- The ‘publish or perish’ mentality is fuelling research paper retractions – and undermining scienceconversation◎‘publish or perish’
2024-9科学論文の7分の1は偽物であり、著者が「非常に非体系的」と呼ぶ研究を示唆しています --- 1 in 7 scientific papers is fake, suggests study that author calls ‘wildly nonsystematic’Retraction Watch◎ヘザーズ
2024-9ライフサイエンスの出版を悩ませている5つの問題-そして1つの一般的な原因 --- Five problems plaguing publishing in the life sciences—and one common causeFEBS Letters◎学術不正
2024-9アカハラは止められるのか? --- Can academic bullying be stopped?Science | AAAS◎アカハラ
2024-9偽のジャーナルは出版社ではなく、不誠実なリフォーマッターです --- Fake journals aren’t publishers at all – they are dishonest reformatterstimeshighereducation◎偽学術誌
2024-9ドイツの「市民評議会」が偽情報の犯罪化を呼びかける --- German "Citizens Council" Calls for Criminalisation of Disinformation Daily Sceptic◎偽情報の犯罪化
2024-9データ操作は科学を侵食する --- Data Manipulation Erodes Scienceelearncollege●ネカト
2024-9間違った薬名を使用した一連の研究で撤回された最初の論文 --- First paper retracted in string of studies using the wrong medication nameRetraction Watch●間違った薬名
2024-9犯罪の研究?インドの科学者ゲームピアレビューシステム --- Research crime? Indian scientists gaming peer review systemprint〇インド
2024-9がん研究における再現性と持続可能性に向けて --- Towards replicability and sustainability in cancer researchBJC Reports〇再現性
2024-9研究公正に関する懸念の傾向と出版社の進化する役割 --- Trends in research integrity concerns and the evolving role of the publisherInsights〇出版社
2024-9「ゴラム効果」は、学界に恐ろしく、厄介で、不潔な影響を与えています--- ScienceAdviser: The “Gollum effect” is having a horrid, nasty, filthy impact on academia Science | AAAS●ゴラム効果
2024-9不正行為を発掘する探偵は、敵意ではなく、感謝を受けるべきです --- Sleuths unearthing malpractice should receive gratitude, not hostilitytimeshighereducation●ネカトハンター
2024-9研究不正行為の抑制を目指す新しい学術AIガイドライン --- New academic AI guidelines aim to curb research misconductGlobal Times○中国の規則
2024-9出版の悪夢:自分の研究が盗用されるのを防ぐための研究者の探求 --- Publishing nightmare: a researcher’s quest to keep his own work from being plagiarizednature○盗用防止法
2024-9研究評価文化の人的コスト --- The human costs of the research-assessment culturenature○研究評価
2024-9科学と社会におけるアヘン:数とその他の定量化 --- Opium in science and society: numbers and other quantificationsScientometrics◎数値
2024-9学術出版社が「査読」報酬やその他の制限をめぐる集団訴訟に直面 --- Academic publishers face class action over ‘peer review’ pay, other restrictionsReuters◎査読支払い訴訟
2024-9研究の不正行為を阻止するシンプルだが簡単ではない方法 --- A simple — but not easy — way to stop research misconductSTAT●ORIの新規則
2024-9研究不正に関する公衆衛生サービスの方針--- Public Health Service Policies on Research MisconductFederal Register●ORIの新規則。解説済(7-160
2024-9Final U.S. misconduct rule drops controversial changesScience | AAAS●ORIの新規則。解説済(7-160
2024-9大学は研究の不正行為に対処するためのより多くの自由を得る --- Colleges Get More Leeway to Handle Research Misconductchronicle●ORIの新規則
2024-9HHSは、研究の公正性を促進するために研究不正行為に関する規則を最終決定 --- HHS Finalizes Rule on Research Misconduct to Foster Research IntegrityEIN Presswire●ORIの新規則。解説済(7-160
2024-9ORI最終ルール --- ORI Final RuleORI●ORIの新規則。解説済(7-160
2024-9「ステルス修正」:ジャーナルが静かに論文を修正するとき --- ‘Stealth corrections’: when journals quietly fix papersRetraction Watch●ステルス修正
2024-9ネカトハンターの台頭 --- The Rise of the Science Sleuthszmescience●ネカトハンター
2024-9ノーベル賞受賞者はロシアの製紙工場に広告を出していますか? --- Nobelists advertise for russian papermill?For Better Science●梶田隆明
2024-9疑問視される研究実践に関する調査展開:4つの挑戦的な設計問題 --- Developing Surveys on Questionable Research Practices: Four Challenging Design ProblemsJournal of Academic Ethics◎クログレイ
2024-9今、あなたはそれを見て、今あなたは見ていません:MDPIで消える特別号の奇妙な世界 --- Now you see it, now you don't: the strange world of disappearing Special Issues at MDPIBishopBlog〇MDPI
2024-9欠落しているCOIプログラム、捏造されたアウトリーチ、仕事、健康記録:さまざまな種類の虚偽 --- Missing COI Program, Fabricated Outreach, Job, Health Records: The Many Types of FalsehoodsJDSupra●NSF
2024-9「PubPeerの難問」:大学が「データ整合性に関する懸念の滝」にどのように対処できるかについての1つの見解 --- ‘The PubPeer conundrum:’ One view of how universities can grapple with a ‘waterfall of data integrity concerns’ Retraction Watch●PubPeer
2024-9論文工場はどなたでも始められます! --- Anyone can start a papermill!For Better Science◎論文工場:ニック・ワイズ
2024-8なぜ研究の公正性が私たち全員にとって重要なのか --- Why research integrity matters to all of us Wonkhe●研究公正
2024-8Gold Open Access 2024:
Articles in Journals 2019-2023 (GOA9)
Cites & Insights Books◎オープンアクセス
2024-8オープンアクセス:ダイヤモンドの原石? --- Open access: a diamond in the rough?University Affairs〇オープンアクセス
2024-8社会科学出版物の倫理基準 --- Ethical Standards in Social Science PublicationsJournal of University Teaching and Learning Practice〇文系倫理基準
2024-8学術出版のインフルエンサーというものはあるのでしょうか? --- Is There Such a Thing as a Scholarly Publishing Influencer?Science Editor●学術出版のインフルエンサー
2024-8スキャンダラスな科学者と頻繁に共著者であるグエン・スアン・フン教授は何を言っているのでしょうか? --- Đồng tác giả thường xuyên với nhà khoa học tai tiếng, GS Nguyễn Xuân Hùng nói gì?thanhnien-vn●グエン・スアン・フン教授の不正
2024-8科学論文における「柔軟な」アドレスについての別の話 --- Another story about 'flexible' addresses in scientific papersthanhnien-vn●グエン・スアン・フン教授の不正
2024-8科学的な不正解決法:研究不正行為は違法とすべきか? --- The staggering death toll of scientific liesVox●犯罪化。解説済(7-165
2024-8科学におけるリスク回避の合理化:なぜ懸命に働くインセンティブとリスクを取るインセンティブが衝突するのか --- Rationalizing risk aversion in science: Why incentives to work hard clash with incentives to take risksPLOS Biology◎インセンティブ
2024-8研究者が「AIサイエンティスト」を作った - 何ができるのか? --- Researchers built an ‘AI Scientist’ — what can it do?nature◎AIサイエンティスト
2024-8複製研究を探す必要はもうありません:クラウドソーシングされたデータベースにより、簡単に見つけることができます --- No more hunting for replication studies: crowdsourced database makes them easy to findnature◎複製研究
2024-8撤回された研究を最も多く引用している論文 --- Exclusive:Exclusive: the papers that most heavily cite retracted studiesnature◎撤回引用
2024-8連鎖撤回:文献を通じて悪い科学が伝播するのを止める方法 --- Chain retraction: how to stop bad science propagating through the literaturenature◎連鎖撤回
2024-8デンマークの州で何か腐っていますか? すべての研究分野において、疑わしい研究慣行の広範な関与はあるが、体系的な使用ではないという国際的な証拠 --- Is something rotten in the state of Denmark? Cross-national evidence for widespread involvement but not systematic use of questionable research practices across all fields of researchPLOS ONE◎QRP
2024-8研究が盗用され、なりすましの電子メールに悩まされた研究者 --- Researcher whose work was plagiarized haunted by impostor emailsRetraction Watch●なりすまし攻撃
2024-8独占:数千の論文が顕微鏡を誤認し、不正行為の可能性のある兆候 --- Exclusive: Thousands of papers misidentify microscopes, in possible sign of misconductRetraction Watch◎顕微鏡
2024-8撤回されたアルツハイマー病の論文は研究の風景を再形成するが、進歩は続く--- Retracted Alzheimer's Paper Reshapes Research Landscape, but Progress ContinuesScienceBlog.com◎アルツハイマー病
2024-8PubPeerの難問:研究不正訴訟における管理上の課題・・・Full article: The PubPeer conundrum: Administrative challenges in research misconduct proceedingsAccountability in Research◎PubPeer
2024-8科学的な誤りを捕まえるための現金 --- Cash for catching scientific errorsnature◎ハンター報奨金
2024-8科学界の内部告発:この医師は、製薬会社に立ち向かった後、追放に直面しました --- Whistleblowing in science: this physician faced ostracization after standing up to pharmanature◎ナンシー・オリビエリ
2024-8ジャーナルの利益相反開示ポリシーは地図のいたるところにあります --- Journal Conflict of Interest Disclosure Policies Are All Over the MapMedPage Today◎利益相反開示
2024-8新しい「AI科学者」は、人間の入力なしで科学論文を書くことができます。これが問題である理由です --- A new ‘AI scientist’ can write science papers without any human input. Here’s why that’s a problemconversation●AI
2024-8中国で実施されている臨床試験に疑問を呈する議会の調査 --- Congressional probe questions clinical trials run in ChinaSTAT〇中国:軍
2024-8内閣は、HEの盗用に取り組むための新しい法令草案を承認します --- Cabinet approves new draft decree to tackle plagiarism in HEuniversityworldnews〇盗用禁止法:チュニジア
2024-8引用の闇市場:偽の参考文献を販売するスキームは、科学者を驚かせます --- The citation black market: schemes selling fake references alarm scientistsnature●引用の闇市場
2024-8科学的な内部告発者は、そのサービスに対して補償を受けることができます。--- Scientific whistleblowers can be compensated for their service Chris Said●告発報奨
2024-8「欺瞞、妄想、そして古典的な医療詐欺」:癌治療のデマについての新しい本からの抜粋 --- “Deceit, delusion, and a classic medical fraud”: An excerpt from a new book about a cancer treatment hoaxRetraction Watch●本の紹介
2024-8研究資金をめぐるラットレースが科学の進歩を遅らせる --- The Rat Race for Research Funding Delays Scientific Progressundark◎助成金競争
2024-8「ジャンク」の洪水:AIが科学出版をどのように変えているか --- Flood Of 'Junk': How AI Is Changing Scientific Publishing Barron's◎AI
2024-8英国はメタサイエンスユニットを立ち上げました。他の国も追随するのでしょうか? --- The UK launched a metascience unit. Will other countries follow suit?nature◎メタサイエンスユニット
2024-8MDPIのレビュアーとしての私の経験 --- My experience as a reviewer for MDPIBishopBlog◎査読
2024-8論文の発表数を減らすべきか? --- Should We Publish Fewer Papers?ACS Energy Letters◎論文数
2024-82024年のジャーナル引用レポートを理解する --- Making Sense of the 2024 Journal Citation ReportsLippincott® Author Community◎学術誌
2024-8引数マイニングを使用した科学的不正の検出・・・Detecting Scientific Fraud Using Argument MiningProceedings of the 11th Workshop on Argument Mining●検出
2024-8PubPeer の難問: 研究不正訴訟における管理上の課題 --- The PubPeer conundrum: Administrative challenges in research misconduct proceedingstandfonline●PubPeer
2024-8科学的な引用が暴れるとき:「こっそりと隠された参考文献」を暴く --- When scientific citations go rogue: Uncovering ‘sneaked references’asbmb◎引用不正
2024-8写真に写っているもの画像操作の認識と行動の20年 --- What’s in a picture? Two decades of image manipulation awareness and actionRetraction Watch●画像操作史
2024-8マスターファインディングシステムとしての科学論文 --- The scientific article as a master finding systemNature Reviews Physics◎科学論文史
2024-8オープンな出版慣行への信頼 --- Trust in open publishing practicesF1000Research◎オープン出版の魅力
2024-8詐欺の学術文化 --- The Academic Culture of Fraudpalladiummag●ネカト文化
2024-8学術的価値の侵害と不正行為:Sci-Hubの事例 --- Breach of academic values and misconduct: the case of Sci-HubScientometrics◎Sci-Hub
2024-8科学において、もっと直接的な再現をすべきです --- We Should Do More Direct Replications in Science hdsr◎再現性研究に資金を
2024-8科学者のためのオープンアクセス価格設定の有料出版モデルはアウトですか?--- Is the pay-to-publish model for open access pricing scientists out? Science | AAAS◎出版モデル
2024-8査読工場、(自己)盗作だけでなく、さらに一歩進んでいます --- The review mills, not just (self-)plagiarism in review reports, but a step furtherScientometrics●(有料→いずれ無料) 査読工場
2024-8私たちの医療システムは、不正行為者を保護し、内部告発者を罰します:カール・エリオットへのインタビュー --- Our Medical System Protects Wrongdoers and Punishes Whistleblowers: An Interview with Carl Elliottmadinamerica●カール・エリオット
2024-8ヒンダウィファイル。パート2:ヒンダウィ --- The Hindawi Files. Part 2: Hindawi James Heathers◎学術出版の最大の失敗
2024-8「Publish or Perish」は今やカードゲーム --- ‘Publish or Perish’ is now a card game — not just an academic’s lifenature◎カードゲーム
2024-7医学大学院生の剽窃認識:観察研究 --- Perception of Plagiarism Among Medical Postgraduate Students: An Observational StudyCureus |◎まん延する盗用
2024-7科学者のためのオープンアクセス価格設定の有料出版モデルはアウトですか?--- Is the pay-to-publish model for open access pricing scientists out?Science | AAAS◎ネカト事件から学んでない
2024-7出版公正にリップサービスするのはやめましょう --- Stop just paying lip service on publication integritynature◎出版公正
2024-7研究文化について誰も認めたくない4つのこと --- Four things no-one wants to admit about research cultureWonkhe●Elizabeth Gadd エリザベス・ガッド
2024-7マウントサイナイは、リビングブレインプロジェクトをめぐる議論を抑えるためにキャンペーンを開始しました --- Mount Sinai mounted campaign to stifle debate over Living Brain Projectstat〇マウントサイナイ
2024-7ヒンダウィファイル。パート1:タイムライン --- The Hindawi Files. Part 1: The TimelineJames Heathers◎学術出版の最大の失敗
2024-7中国は研究盗作を罰するために「抜本的な」行動を取る --- China takes ‘drastic’ action to punish research plagiarismtimeshighereducation◎中国が処罰
2024-72019年から2023年の間にオープンアクセスのために6つの出版社に支払われたグローバルな論文処理料金の見積もり --- [2407.16551] Estimating global article processing charges paid to six publishers for open access between 2019 and 2023arxiv◎8000億円
2024-7ニュースの概要 --- NEWS IN BRIEF HealthSense◎パトリシア・マレー教授の受賞
2024-7研究不正への対処 --- Tackling research misconductBMJ●対処
2024-7捕食学会に出席するのはどんな感じですか? --- What is it like to attend a predatory conference?nature●捕食学会
2024-7中国、国家研究開発プロジェクトにおける学術的不正行為に対する懲罰的措置を発表 --- China announces punitive measures against academic misconduct in national R&D projectsGlobal Times●中国、ネカト者処分
2024-7研究論文詐欺で解雇された6人の学者 --- Six academics sacked for research paper fraudBangkok Post〇タイでネカト解雇
2024-7出版はストレスが多い:私たちはそれについて何ができますか? --- Publishing is Stressful: What Can We Do About It? Eos●査読拒否
2024-7学術雑誌は儲かる詐欺であり、私たちはそれを変えることを決意しています--- Academic journals are a lucrative scam – and we’re determined to change thatArash Abizadeh | The Guardian●学術誌
2024-7「出版か滅びか」現象の起源と進化 --- Origin and evolution of the "publish or perish" phenomenonLeiden Madtrics〇「出版か滅びか」
2024-7研究不正行為に対する処罰強度とその関連要因:中国本土の病院に関する探索的研究--- The punishment intensity for research misconduct and its related factors: An exploratory study on hospitals in Mainland ChinaAccountability in Research●(有料)偉い人ほど罪が軽い
2024-7研究透明性指数 --- The research transparency indexLeadership Quarterly●透明性
2024-7偽論文と戦う方法:重要な情報源のレビューと問題解決へのステップ --- How to fight fake papers: a review on important information sources and steps towards solution of the problem Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology●偽論文
2024-7日本化学協会、廃刊誌の保管場所を提訴 --- Japanese chemistry institute sues archival site for hosting discontinued journal Chemistry World〇日本記事
2024-7「危険な研究審査法」は益よりも害を及ぼす --- The 'Risky Research Review Act' would do more harm than goodSTAT◎「危険な研究審査法」(S.4667)
2024-7インパクトファクターを失わないために --- How to avoid losing your Impact Factorelsevier.com◎学術誌
2024-7査読は査読に失敗していますか? --- Is peer review failing its peer review?firstprinciples〇オランスキーの回答
2024-7世界で最も引用数の多い猫、ラリー--- Engineering the world’s highest cited cat, LarryReese Richardson●引用操作
2024-7世界初の国際ガイドラインで、潜在的に重大な科学的不正を淘汰 --- World-first international guidelines weeds-out potentially critical scientific fraudNational Tribune◎ガイドライン
2024-7NIHにおけるレプリケーションへの暫定的な取り組み --- A Tentative Venture into Replication at NIHGood Science Project◎再現性にグラント
2024-7偽論文と戦う方法:重要な情報源のレビューと問題解決へのステップ --- How to fight fake papers: a review on important information sources and steps towards solution of the problemNaunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology◎偽論文
2024-7学術誌は儲かる詐欺であり、私たちはそれを変えることを決意しています --- Academic journals are a lucrative scam – and we’re determined to change thatArash Abizadeh | The Guardian●学術誌
2024-7虚偽請求法の洞察 - Eureka!政府の調査官が研究不正を追及 --- False Claims Act Insights - Eureka! Government Investigators Seek Out Research Misconduct Husch Blackwell●虚偽請求法 (False Claims Act (FCA))
2024-7「組織的な」学術的不正行為に対する行動の呼びかけ --- Calls for action against ‘systemic’ academic misconductuniversityworldnews◎インドネシアのDigdowiseiso
2024-7多ければ多いほど良い:科学出版の危機の高まり --- More is not better: the developing crisis of scientific publishingInternational Science Council〇学術出版
2024-7デザイナー・サイエンス - ビッグ・ブランド・ジャーナルが研究に害を及ぼす理由 --- Designer Science - Why big brand journals harm researchImpact of Social Sciences●有力学術誌の弊害
2024-7研究公正の実現要因と阻害要因・・・Enablers and Inhibitors of Research IntegrityUKRIO●英国:研究公正
2024-7オーストラリアの機関は研究文化の改善を促す --- Australian institutions urged to improve research cultureResearch Professional News◎豪:研究不正
2024-7科学は研究不正で揺れ動く --- Science stands on shaky shoulders with research misconductDrug Discovery News〇研究不正
2024-7ウェスタンブロッティング実験におけるデータインテグリティの維持--- Maintaining Data Integrity for Western Blotting ExperimentsLab Manager〇ウェスタンブロッティング実験
2024-7サイエンスヨーロッパは研究の公正さに「焦点を当てる」 --- Science Europe ‘renews focus’ on research integrityResearch Professional News〇欧州の研究公正
2024-7オピニオン |アルツハイマー病治療のためのアミロイド仮説への過度の焦点は、治療への進歩を遅らせた可能性があります --- Opinion | The Hyper-Focus on the Amyloid Hypothesis for Treating Alzheimer’s May Have Slowed Progress Toward a CureNew York Times◎アルツハイマー病
2024-7査読は科学にとって不可欠です。残念ながら、壊れています --- Peer review is essential for science. Unfortunately, it’s brokenArs Technica◎PAUL SUTTER
2024-7研究者が新しい形の科学的詐欺を発見:「こっそりと参照」を発見 --- Physics News: Researchers discover a new form of scientific fraud: Uncovering 'sneaked references'Head Topics◎引用操作
2024-7アカデミアにおける悪質な行為の防止 --- Preventing bad behavior in academiaScience●不正防止の方法
2024-7科学的な引用が不正になるとき:「こっそり引用」を明らかにする --- When scientific citations go rogue: Uncovering ‘sneaked references’conversation◎引用操作
2024-7論文工場の危機は科学にとって5つの警報の火事です:図書館員はそれについて何ができますか?--- The paper mill crisis is a five-alarm fire for science: what can librarians do about it?Insights◎論文工場
2024-7学術出版における見当違いのインセンティブ --- The Misplaced Incentives in Academic Publishingundark◎学術出版
2024-7ジャーナルを超えて:科学出版の未来 --- Beyond the journal: The future of scientific publishingFEBS Network◎新しい論文出版
2024-7The Bizarro World of Law ReviewsArthur J. Boston〇奇怪な法学論文界
2024-7科学は研究不正で揺れ動く --- Science stands on shaky shoulders with research misconductDrug Discovery News〇ネカト
2024-7「科学出版の品位に対する脅威」:撤回された論文はどのくらいの頻度でそのようにマークされますか? --- ‘A threat to the integrity of scientific publishing’: How often are retracted papers marked that way?Retraction Watch◎NISO委員会
2024-6非倫理的ながん研究デザイン:臨床試験が患者にとって必ずしも最善ではない理由 --- Unethical Cancer Study Designs: Why Clinical Trials Aren't Always Best for Patientsoncologynewscentral〇治験
2024-6研究者の不正への対処:遡及的、リアルタイム的、予防的な戦略(不正を防止する法的ポイントやデータ管理を含む) --- Addressing researcher fraud: retrospective, real-time, and preventive strategies–including legal points and data management that prevents fraudFrontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics●ネカト対処
2024-6「秘密にしておく」:フィリップ モリス インターナショナルとその日本法人が利益のために科学を搾取し続けていることを示唆する流出文書 --- “Keep it a secret”: leaked documents suggest Philip Morris International, and its Japanese affiliate, continue to exploit science for profitNicotine & Tobacco Research | Oxford Academic●●日本、たばこ
2024-6なりすましの参加者が定性調査を危うくしている --- Imposter Participants Are Compromising Qualitative Researchundark◎治験者の確認
2024-6研究効果を高めることを目的とした科学的不正の発見--- Discovery of scientific fraud aimed at boosting research impacttechno-science◎Guillaume Cabanacの話
2024-6オピニオン |科学雑誌には信頼性の問題があります。これを修正する方法は次のとおりです。 --- Opinion | Scientific journals have a credibility problem. Here’s how to fix itWashington Post●学術誌への信頼
2024-6科学への信頼を築くことは、社会的・技術的プロジェクトです --- Building trust in science is a social and technological projectImpact of Social Sciences●科学への信頼
2024-6NISOが「撤回、削除、および懸念表明(CREC)の伝達に関する推奨プラクティス」を公表 --- NISO Publishes Recommended Practice for the Communication of Retractions, Removals, and Expressions of Concern (CREC)NISO website●米国情報標準化機構 (NISO)
2024-6トップジャーナルの論文に対する100万元の報酬が議論を巻き起こす --- 1m yuan rewards for papers in top journal spark debateChinadaily.com.cn〇ネイチャー論文で2200万円報酬
2024-6フィンランドのグループが60誌を格下げ --- Finland group downgrades 60 journalsRetraction Watch●学術誌の格付け:フィンランド
2024-6健康記録:健康にはいくつの科学的詐欺がありますか? --- Health Record: How many scientific frauds are there in health?informant〇科学詐欺
2024-61,000件以上の否定的な文献レビューのデータベースが教えてくれること --- What a database of more than a thousand dismissive literature reviews can tell usRetraction Watch●否定的な文献レビュー
2024-6フアン・マヌエル・コルチャド:科学的詐欺:スペインの大学学長のケースは、ランキングシステムへの変更を促すべきです --- Juan Manuel Corchado: Scientific fraud: The case of the Spanish university rector should prompt change to ranking systemEL PAÍS English〇数値主義を脱却 ADAM MARCUS
2024-6劣悪な学術研究への対処 --- Dealing with subpar academic researchDAWN.COM〇パキスタンの現実
2024-6今すぐ撤回:欠陥のある研究を否定するには、より迅速に行う必要があります --- Retract Now: Negating Flawed Research Must Be QuickerMedPage Today〇撤回を早く
2024-6声を上げた内部告発者の運命は、めったに良いものではありません --- The fate of whistleblowers who speak up is seldom goodstar●ナンシー・オリビエリ
2024-6社会科学研究は信頼性が高く、信頼性が高く、再現性がありますか? --- Is social science research credible, reliable and reproducible?insidehighered◎社会科学の信頼性
2024-6政治学における研究倫理は女性の仕事 --- In political science research ethics is women's workImpact of Social Sciences◎研究倫理は女性
2024-6材料科学者がPubPeerにコメントを始めた理由を説明 --- Materials scientist explains why he started commenting on PubPeercen◎ハンター
2024-6Is This Journal Legit? Open Access and Predatory PublishersMedscape〇オープンアクセス
2024-6中絶の権利を後退させる取り組みは、論争、否認、または撤回された査読付き研究を使用 --- Efforts to Roll Back Abortion Rights Used Disputed, Disavowed or Retracted Peer-Reviewed ResearchWSJ◎中絶
2024-6オープンアクセスは品質を犠牲にしてはならない--- Slutreplik: Öppen tillgång får inte ske på bekostnad av kvalitetTidningen Curie◎査読
2024-6Google の DeepMind が AI 引用数で欧州のスコアボードをリード --- Google’s DeepMind leads European scoreboard in AI citationsScience|Business◎DeepMind
2024-6大学ランキングのコツ:ランキングと昇進のコツ --- University ranking tricks: Ranking and promotion tricksTuoi Tre Online〇大学ランキング
2024-6A Global Network for Early Career Research Integrity PractitionersScholarly Kitchen〇若手ネットワーク
2024-6科学は間違いだらけです。バウンティハンターが彼らを見つけるためにここにいます --- Science Is Full of Errors. Bounty Hunters Are Here to Find ThemWIRED〇ハンター
2024-6お金をフォローする --- Follow the moneyTotal Internal Reflection●悲惨な学術界。解説済(7-156
2024-6ジャーナルハイジャック犯は、その努力にもかかわらず、依然としてScopusに潜入しています --- Journal hijackers still infiltrate Scopus despite its effortsRetraction Watch◎被乗取学術誌
2024-6増加している科学的不正--- Scientific fraud on the riseStar◎研究不正の増加
2024-6学術出版における研究者の科学的誠実さに影響を与える要因:パス分析アプローチ --- Factors influencing researchers’ scientific integrity in scholarly publishing: a path analysis approachResearch Ethics◎研究公正要因
2024-6中国のエリート研究者は、不正行為を犯す以外に「選択の余地がなかった」と言います --- Elite researchers in China say they had ‘no choice’ but to commit misconductnature◎中国の不正行為
2024-6失態に対するバウンティハンティング:Russell Poldrack氏とJan Wessel氏とのQ&A --- Bounty hunting for blunders: Q&A with Russell Poldrack and Jan Wessel Transmitter: Neuroscience News and Perspectives◎ハンティング:
2024-6オピニオン |SCOTUSのミフェプリストンの決定と撤回された研究 --- Opinion | SCOTUS’s mifepristone decision and retracted studiesWashington Post◎中絶薬
2024-6オピニオン |研究出版社は詐欺論文に圧倒されている --- Opinion | Research publishers are being overwhelmed by fraudulent papersWashington Post◎ニセ論文の蔓延
2024-6生物学者、ブログ、そして蚊の駆除論争 --- A Biologist, a Blog, and a Mosquito Control Disputeundark◎蚊駆除のインチキ
2024-6研究の一番の土台は信頼 --- "The Most Important Foundation Of Our Work Is Trust"Mirage News◎研究への信頼
2024-6オピニオン |研究出版社は詐欺論文に圧倒されている --- Opinion | Research publishers are being overwhelmed by fraudulent papersWashington Post◎学術誌
2024-6「世界をリードする科学者」のランキング:混沌としすぎている --- Ranking of 'world's leading scientists': Too chaoticTuoi Tre Online〇「世界のトップサイエンティスト」ランキング
2024-5ChatGPTのリアルな実験画像を生成する能力は、アカデミック・インテグリティに新たな課題を提起 --- ChatGPT’s ability to generate realistic experimental images poses a new challenge to academic integrityJournal of Hematology & Oncology●ChatGPT
2024-5学術出版のビジネスモデル:自己引用と選択性と評判のトレードオフ --- Academic publishing business models: self-citations and the selectivity-reputation trade-offSocArXiv●自己引用
2024-5科学は終焉を迎えるのか? --- Will science ever reach an end? Opinion | Chemistry World●科学は終焉
2024-5米国の心理学教授のタブーと自己検閲 --- Taboos and Self-Censorship Among U.S. Psychology ProfessorsPerspectives on Psychological Science●タブー
2024-5科学とは何か?定義をめぐるテクノロジー界の重鎮たちの喧嘩 --- What is science? Tech heavyweights brawl over definitionnature●研究発表
2024-5調査報道ジャーナリストが調査データのずさんな監視と不正について報告すべき理由 --- Why Investigative Journalists Should Report on Lax Oversight and Fraud in Research DataGlobal Investigative Journalism Network●メディア
2024-5研究論文の「拷問された頭字語」を検出するソフトウェアが不正行為の根絶に役立つ可能性 --- Software that detects ‘tortured acronyms’ in research papers could help root out misconductScience | AAAS〇「拷問された頭字語」を検出
2024-5学術出版社が出版か消滅かの文化からどのように利益を得るか --- How academic publishers profit from the publish-or-perish cultureft有料◎「出版か死か」で儲ける学術出版社
2024-5ゲスト投稿:STMインテグリティハブ-ダイナミックなランドスケープで点と点をつなぐ--- Guest Post: The STM Integrity Hub - Connecting the Dots in a Dynamic LandscapeScholarly Kitchen◎インテグリティハブ
2024-5論文工場が生み出したフェイクサイエンスはAIで悪化する --- Fake Science Generated by Paper Mills Will Get Worse With AIBloomberg◎AI
2024-5単独投稿の厄介な問題について[v1] --- On the Thorny Issue of Single-Submission[v1] Preprints.org◎重複投稿
2024-5査読を修正する3つの方法 --- 3 Ways to Fix Peer Reviewchronicle◎査読
2024-5「持続不可能」と烙印を押された査読制度 --- Peer review system branded ‘unsustainable’Research Professional Newsr有料:◎査読
2024-5告発や撤回はがん研究への信頼を損なうのか? --- Will Accusations and Retractions Erode Confidence in Cancer Research?Cancer Therapy Advisor◎信頼
2024-5科学研究と不正:論文の大量撤回が危機を浮き彫りに --- Scientific Research & Fraud: Mass Retraction of Papers Highlights Crisis National Review◎大量撤回
2024-5中欧・東欧が捕食出版社に反撃 --- Central and eastern Europe bites back at predatory publishersScience|Business◎捕食出版社
2024-5コピー&ペースト:盗用疑惑が文化戦争の新たなフロンティアとなった経緯 --- Copy-and-Paste: How Allegations of Plagiarism Became the Culture War’s New FrontierHarvard Crimson◎盗用戦争
2024-5「隠された」引用は科学研究の真の影響を隠す --- 'Hidden' citations conceal the true impact of scientific researchPhysics World◎「隠された」引用
2024-5ラボの安全違反は研究上の不正行為ですか? --- Are lab safety violations research misconduct?cen●ラボの安全違反
2024-5生物学研究者が助成金および雇用委員会に参加する際に信頼性をどのように評価するかの調査 --- A survey of how biology researchers assess credibility when serving on grant and hiring committeesMetaArXiv Preprints●信頼方法
2024-5エクスタシーで発見された化学物質の研究は、不正行為の申し立てに悩まされています --- Research into the chemical found in ecstasy is plagued with allegations of misconduct NPR◎麻薬
2024-5人間とAI検出器は、AIが生成したアカデミックライティングをキャッチできます --- Humans plus AI detectors can catch AI-generated academic writinguniversityworldnews◎AI
2024-5EPA、農薬のPFAS検査における「悪質な」不正行為を非難 --- EPA accused of ‘egregious’ misconduct in PFAS testing of pesticidesGuardian◎EPA
2024-5なぜ計算化学者はデータを作るのか? --- Why are computational chemists making up their data?Chemistry World〇計算化学者
2024-5「出版圧力」は、医用画像では圧倒的ではないものの明らか --- ‘Publication pressure’ evident albeit not overwhelming in medical imaginghealthimaging〇出版圧力
2024-5ボタンをクリックするだけで、「良い」科学についての考えを変えることができますか? --- With a click of a button, could you change your mind about ‘good’ science?cosmos〇疑惑論文フラグ
2024-5登録済みレポートへの信頼の返り合い --- Reciprocating trust in Registered Reports Communications Psychology◎登録研究法
2024-5論文工場は科学に脅威をもたらす--- Paper mills pose threat to scientific scholarshipOxford Student◎論文工場
2024-5不正論文におけるフェイクサイエンスが増加 --- Fake science in fraudulent papers is on the riseWeek◎ニセ論文の増加
2024-5不正論文におけるフェイクサイエンスが増加 --- Fake science in fraudulent papers is on the riseWeek◎ニセ論文の増加
2024-5なぜ私たちはアカデミック詐欺を犯すのか --- Why We Commit Academic Fraudjamesclaims◎ネカトする理由
2024-5科学界における極めて生産的な出版行動の進化パターン --- Evolving patterns of extremely productive publishing behavior across sciencebioRxiv●John P.A. Ioannidis
2024-5人工知能を使用してジャーナル投稿の不正行為をスクリーニングするために必要なガイダンス --- Guidance needed for using artificial intelligence to screen journal submissions for misconduct Research Ethics●不正行為検出法:Resnik
2024-5Must Read! Publisher Wiley Retracts 8,000 Peer-Reviewed Studies Over Fraudulent ResearchThailand Medical News● 日本語訳
2024-5シュプリンガー・ネイチャーの最新の地域別研究公正調査で、研究者のデータトレーニングに対するニーズをめぐる世界的な傾向が高まっていることが示される --- Springer Nature's latest regional research integrity survey shows growing global pattern around researcher needs for data training Springer Nature● 日本語訳
2024-5内部告発に関する深く魅力的な洞察 --- Deep and fascinating insights into whistleblowingBMJ
2024-5ジェネレーティブAIの時代における科学的公正の擁護 --- Protecting scientific integrity in an age of generative AIPNAS
2024-5「論文工場」の仕組みを知る:映画のカルテルのように機能する科学論文工場 --- Mengenal cara kerja ‘paper mill’: pabrik artikel ilmiah yang beroperasi seperti kartel di film-filmconversation
2024-5盗用、論文工場、利益:これらの科学者は詐欺研究の蔓延と戦っています--- Plagiarism, Paper Mills, and Profit: These Scientists Are Fighting the Epidemic of Fraudulent ResearchCancer Therapy Advisor
2024-5信用の岐路に立つ:現代の神経科学は、新しいオーサーシップの実践を採用するために文化的な転換を必要としている --- At the credit crossroads: Modern neuroscience needs a cultural shift to adopt new authorship practicesThe Transmitter: Neuroscience News and Perspectives
2024-5科学雑誌におけるデータの完全性には、出版社や機関の「努力」が必要 --- Data integrity in scientific journals requires 'effort' by publishers, institutionsstatnews
2024-5ロナルド・プラステルクは、倫理調査の中で次期オランダ首相になろうとはしないと述べる --- Ronald Plasterk says he will not seek to become next Dutch PM amid ethics probeNL Times
2024-5大学がAI支援論文を抑制するための独自のルールを発行 --- Universities issue own rules to curb AI-assisted thesesuniversityworldnews
2024-5最高の査読レポートは少なくとも947語です|社会科学の影響 --- The best peer review reports are at least 947 wordsImpact of Social Sciences
2024-5学者固有のGPTは、見掛け倒しの研究を可能にする可能性があります(意見) --- Scholar-Specific GPTs may enable shoddy research (opinion)nsidehighered
2024-5AlphaFold3 — なぜ Nature はコードなしで公開したのですか? --- AlphaFold3 — why did Nature publish it without its code?
2024-5編集者、査読者、ぼろきれ拾い、およびごみ処理者:Simil... : Editors, Reviewers, Rag-Pickers, and Garbage-Handlers: Simil...
Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil University
2024-5出版された論文の誤りを発見するために研究者に報酬を支払う --- Pay researchers to spot errors in published papersnature〇論文訂正
2024-5論文 |学術出版のビジネスモデル:自己引用と選択性と評判のトレードオフ | Academic publishing business models: self-citations and the selectivity-reputation trade-offSocArXiv〇学術出版モデル
2024-5「Grimpact」:心理学研究者は広範な危害を防ぐためにもっと努力すべき |‘Grimpact’: psychological researchers should do more to prevent widespread harmBPS〇心理学改革
2024-5IOP Publishing report reveals peer review capacity not used to its full potentialIOP Publishing〇査読アンケート
2024-5Hundreds of cancer papers mention cell lines that don’t seem to exist Science | AAAS●論文工場
2024-5Wiley's 'fake science' scandal is just the latest chapter in a broader crisis of trust universities must addressABC News◎ワイリー出版社危機
2024-5Why Scientific Fraud Is Suddenly Everywhereintelligencer● Oranskyの見解。解説済(7-155
2024-5Barriers to Investigating and Reporting Research MisconductUK Research Integrity Office●UKRIOの報告書
2024-5Barriers to Investigating and Reporting Research MisconductUK Research Integrity Office●UKRIOの報告書説明
2024-5I’m worried I’ve been contacted by a predatory publisher — how do I find out?nature◎捕食学術誌
2024-5Journalists should cover lax oversight of research data, says data sleuthjournalistsresource◎メディアはネカト報道すべき
2024-5What happens when you’ve had deferential media coverage and then, all of a sudden, you’re treated as a news item rather than as a figure of admiration?Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science◎突然、自分が疑惑者に
2024-5Will chatbots wreak havoc on academic publishing? (opinion)insidehighered◎査読者、チャットボット
2024-5Full article: Two sides of the same coin: a taxonomy of academic integrity and impropriety using intellectual virtues and vicesAssessment & Evaluation in Higher Education◎コインの裏表
2024-5生物医学論文の撤回は20年間で4倍に増えた - なぜか? --- Biomedical paper retractions have quadrupled in 20 years — why?nature●欧州の撤回理由
2024-5Biomedical retractions due to misconduct in Europe: characterization and trends in the last 20 yearsScientometrics●欧州の撤回理由
2024-5Research misconduct in China: towards an institutional analysisResearch Ethics●中国の研究不正の原因
2024-5Medical researchers’ perceptions regarding research evaluation: a web-based survey in JapanBMJ Open〇日本
2024-5News & Views: Sponsored Journals UpdateDelta Think〇Sponsored Journals
2024-5Legal threats, online trolls and low pay: the world of scientific sleuth Elisabeth BikChemistry World〇ビックの話
2024-5Integrity of the Scholarly Record (ISR): what do research institutions think? - Crossrefcrossref〇大学はネカトをどう思う?
2024-5Full article: One index, two publishers and the global research economyOxford Review of Education●戦後の新しい商業出版モデル
2024-5Infected blood scandal: Experimented on and exploited - the Treloar's School pupils who 'lost everything'UK News | Sky News◎英国トレロア校事件
2024-5A wave of retractions is shaking physicsMIT Technology Review◎物理学ネカト対処議論
2024-5New chemistry journal folds after outcry over editor appointmentscen〇Green Biomaterialsの廃止
2024-5Flood of Fake Science Forces Multiple Journal ClosuresWSJ●学術誌
2024-5Finding the truth in scienceNature Reviews Cancer有料:ビックの主張
2024-5The Replication ConundrumLaw & Liberty◎科学に信頼?
2024-5Stop 'scienocide' by injecting more passion into scientific venturesnst〇ネカト
2024-5Journalists should cover lax oversight of research data, says data sleuthjournalistsresource◎Uri Simonsohnの提案
2024-5Hidden Costs of Academic Dishonesty: The Case of IndonesiaFULCRUM〇インドネシアのネカト問題
2024-5Why Is Scientific Fraud So Rampant?BFD◎ネカト蔓延の理由
2024-5Psychology study participants recruited online may provide nonsensical answersScience | AAAS◎心理学
2024-5A new breed of paper mill targeting international medical graduatesReese Richardson◎論文工場
2024-5Is group authorship a better way of recognising team-based research? Impact of Social Sciences◎個人著者でなくチーム著者
2024-5On lying politicians and bullshitting scientists Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science●研究文化。解説済(7-152
2024-5The new plagiarism arms raceSunday Mail●人工知能論文
2024-5Sneaked references: Fabricated reference metadata distort citation countsBesançon - Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology - Wiley Online Library●論文工場
2024-5“Research paper mills”: A factory outlet for dubious researchIJME〇論文工場
2024-5Elisabeth Bik, expert in scientific integrity: ‘We need to slow down scientific publishing’Science | EL PAÍS English●ビックの主張
2024-5So you’ve found research fraud. Now what?Vox●ネカト対処システム。解説済(7-153
2024-5Junk science is cited in abortion ban cases. Researchers are fighting the ‘fatally flawed’ works | AbortionGuardian◎ガラクタ研究
2024-5Academic Misconduct and Fraud Hurt Public Trust in ScienceBloomberg有料、◎学術不正
2024-5Brain biopsies on 'vulnerable' patients at Mount Sinai set off alarm bells at FDASTAT脳生検
2024-5The Alzheimer's industryUnHerdアルツハイマー病研究の問題
2024-5Medical students are caught in the residency 'research arms race' STAT医学生と論文
2024-5Questionable firms tempt young doctors with ‘easy’ publicationsScience | AAAS◎論文工場
2024-5Cholesterol Denialism is Pseudosciencemedscape◎コレステロール神話
2024-4The academic sleuth facing death threats and ingratitudephys.org●ネカトハンター:Lonni Besançon
2024-4Journals and publishers facing issues from fraudulent sitesLiverpool University Press Blog〇乗っ取り学術誌
2024-4Cureus | Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices About Research Integrity and Scientific Misconduct Among the Faculty and Medical Postgraduates Working in Medical Colleges in North Karnataka and Central India: A Cross-Sectional Online Survey cureus〇インドの研究公正
2024-4Louisiana’s flagship university lets oil firms influence research – for a price | Oil and gas companiesGuardian◎大学は企業の手下
2024-4An external regulator is not the solution to academic misconducttimeshighereducation●ネカトと外部機関。解説済(7-158
2024-4Two Decades of Scientific Misconduct in India: Retraction Reasons and Journal Quality among Inter-country and Intra-country Institutional Collaborationarxiv◎インドの撤回論文分析
2024-4Are Academic Publishers Ignoring the Theft of Ukrainian Fossils?undark化石窃盗
2024-4Perspective on scientific truth versus scientific evidence; maintaining integrity in global food systems Animal Production Science◎研究公正
2024-4Retractions are part of science, but misconduct isn’t — lessons from a superconductivity labnature◎natureの言い訳
2024-4So you found research fraud. Now what? Barnesnobleinc◎ネカトの組織的摘発
2024-4Send lawyers, Einstein and Maugham: Authors object to PLOS ONE retractionRetraction Watch◎論文工場の協力者? 被害者?
2024-4There Are Mistakes, And There Are MistakesScience | AAAS◎研究公正
2024-4Hyper-ambition and the Replication Crisis: Why Measures to Promote Research Integrity can FalterJournal of Academic Ethics◎研究公正
2024-4Navigating the Science System: Research Integrity and Academic Survival StrategiesScience and Engineering Ethics◎研究公正
2024-4Why fake research is rampant in ChinaPegcityexpats〇中国のネカト原因
2024-4A Study on the Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of Research Integrity among Medical Professionals in Ningxia, ChinaResearch Square〇中国の研究公正
2024-4Perception of Research Misconduct in a Spanish UniversityJournal of Academic Ethics〇スペインの研究公正
2024-3Are open access fees a good use of tax payers money?Quantitative Science Studies | MIT Press◎5出版社で1000億円収入
2024-3From research misconduct to disciplinary sanction: an empirical examination of French higher education case law Research Ethics〇フランスの研究公正
2024-3National cross-disciplinary research ethics and integrity study: methodology and results from EstoniaResearch Ethics〇エストニアの研究公正
2024-42 top Chinese academics named and shamed by graft-busters for ‘saying hello’South China Morning Post事件
2024-4One Scientist Neglected His Grant Reports. Now U.S. Agencies Are Withholding Grants for an Entire University.chronicle報告書なし大学停止
2024-4Researchers want a ‘nutrition label’ for academic-paper factsnature●栄養ラベル
2024-4Congress pushes NIH on research reproducibility and fraudtimeshighereducation●議会・NIH
2024-4Researchers need ‘open’ bibliographic databases, new declaration saysScience | AAAS●書誌情報
2024-4Shrouded in secrecy: how science is harmed by the bullying and harassment rumour millnature●アカハラ
2024-4Guest Post - Making Sense of Retractions and Tackling Research MisconductScholarly Kitchen●論文撤回。解説済(7-151
2024-4Journals and publishers facing issues from fraudulent sitesLiverpool University Press Blog◎学術誌
2024-4How Should We Fund Scientific Error Detection?james.claims◎ヘザーの主張
2024-4Rahman '26: Our ‘publish-or-perish’ culture is breaking the academy Brown Daily Herald〇出版か死か(Publish or Perish)
2024-4PsyArXiv Preprints | Introducing Synchronous Robustness Reports: Guidelines for JournalsPsyArXiv〇学術誌ガイドライン
2024-4Things we can learn from the ongoing Heterocycles debacleRoss Mounce〇学術誌廃刊
2024-4A key chemistry journal disappeared from the web. Others are at riskNews | Chemistry World〇学術誌廃刊
2024-4Fabrication in a study about honesty: A lost episode of columbo illustrating how forensic statistics is performedACCOUNTABILITY IN RESEARCH〇統計の科学分析
2024-4Little change in Japan’s research sector 10 years after stem cell fraudJapan Times

2024-4Should publishers flag replication failures in the same way they flag retractions?Dynamic Ecology

2024-4Guest Post: FoSci -  The Emerging Field of Forensic ScientometricsScholarly Kitchen

2024-4Breaking down the winner’s curse: Lessons from brain-wide association studiesThe Transmitter: Neuroscience News and Perspectives

2024-4China’s universities just grabbed 6 of the top 10 spots in one worldwide science ranking – without changing a thing Conversation

2024-4Impact factors are outdated, but new research assessments still fail scientistsnature

2024-4FDA describes ‘objectionable conditions’ at New York State Psychiatric InstituteThe Transmitter: Neuroscience News and Perspectives

2024-4The Case for a Research InquisitionOpinion | The Harvard Crimson

2024-4Universities oppose plan to bolster federal research oversightinsidehighered

2024-3Retractions in arts and humanities: an analysis of the retraction notices Digital Scholarship in the Humanities | Oxford Academic

2024-3Antidotes to cynicism creep in academiaEiko Fried

2024-3When it is and isn’t OK to recycle text in scientific papersNature Human Behaviour

2024-3ORI Budget Grew to $15M; HHS Seeks Level Funding to Roll Out Contested RegCOSMOS

2024-3Putting Research Integrity Checks Where They BelongScholarly Kitchen

2024-3The Feds Want More Oversight of Scientific Research. Universities Are Fighting Back.WSJ

2024-3Universities need to stop hiding from research integrity problemsScience Forever

2024-3Full article: Publication integrity: what is it, why does it matter, how it is safeguarded and how could we do better?Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand

2024-3$160K Libel Verdict for Ex-Student Based on Professor's Research Misconduct Allegationsreason

2024-3Ending profiteering from publicly funded researchAustralia Institute

2024-3Lack of experimentation has stalled the debate on open peer reviewImpact of Social Sciences◎オープンな査読
2024-3Is AI ready to mass-produce lay summaries of research articles?nature●●ChatGPTまみれ
2024-3The Latest "Crisis" - Is the Research Literature Overrun with ChatGPT- and LLM-generated Articles?Scholarly KitchenChatGPTまみれ
2024-3世界大学ランキングに背を向ける大学たち SWI swissinfo.ch大学ランキング脱退
2024-3Guest opinion: Scientific fraud puts Utah children’s safety at risk Daily Herald〇ネカトは子供に悪影響
2024-3The Greatest Scientific Fraud Of All Time -- Part XXXII (Sea Level Rise Edition)Manhattan Contrarian海面上昇のウソ
2024-3AI scandal rocks academia as nearly 200 studies are found to have been partly generated by ChatGPT Daily Mail Online●ChatGPT
2024-3Why is plagiarism apparently more common in research funded by the NSF than the NIH?Chemistry World●NIHとNSFのネカトの違い
2024-3Up to one in seven submissions to hundreds of Wiley journals show signs of paper mill activityRetraction Watch●投稿論文の7つに1つが論文工場製
2024-3Integrity Issues Rampant in Alzheimer's Research, Say InvestigatorsMedscape◎アルツハイマ―研究者にネカト蔓延
2024-3Scientific Fraud in the Age of AIGWC Mag〇AI時代の科学詐欺
2024-3Scientific Fraud in the Age of AI | American Council on Science and HealthAmerican Council on Science and Health〇AI時代の科学詐欺
2024-3Podcast: Fraudulent Research Threatens Scientific ProgressAmerican Council on Science and Health〇詐欺が科学をダメにする
2024-3The evil impact of medical research misconductIsland〇医学の研究不正
2024-3China has a list of suspect journals and it’s just been updatednature〇中国の学術誌黒リスト 日本語訳(有料)
2024-3La superlega dei Top Italian ScientistsROARS〇イタリア
2024-3Publish and perish: New issues in publication ethicsIndian Journal of Medical EthicsAkira Akabayashi
2024-3Fake academic papers are on the rise: why they’re a danger and how to stop themconversation〇フェイク論文
2024-3Virtues and vocation: An historical perspective on scientific integrity in the twenty-first centuryEndeavour●研究公正の歴史
2024-3The Dark World of ‘Citation Cartels’chronicle●●引用工場
2024-3Millions of research papers at risk of disappearing from the Internetnature●●数百万報の論文消滅 日本語訳(有料)
2024-3Science integrity sleuths welcome legal aid fund for whistleblowers Science | AAAS●●ネカトハンター支援に1億円
2024-3College Advisor Suddently Cuts Off Communication And Former Student Discovers They Plagiarized Their Research, So They Get Revenge And Ruin Their CareerTwistedSifter〇教員の盗用、学生の報復
2024-3AI’s role in rampant scientific fraud undermines nutrition sciencenaturalproductsinsider〇栄養学でのネカト
2024-3Fake cancer research and scientific fraud allegations hit the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Vox◎Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
2024-3Strict Liability and Research Fraud - by James Heathersjames.claims●●ネカト有罪者。解説済(7-145
2024-2Science map of academic misconduct Innovation◎ネカトの分野別集計。解説済(7-150
2024-2As the world turns: scientific publishing in the digital eraEnvironmental Health研究文化の変化
2024-2米国で半数の中国人留学生が不正によって退学処分になっている理由—中国経済の停滞と国民の不満噴出[補足編2]-(松沢呉一) |松沢呉一のビバノン・ライフ中国人留学生の不正
2024-2Huge genome study confronted by concerns over race analysisScience | AAAS人種研究
2024-2New documents shed light on MD Anderson Cancer Institute feudSTAT●著作権
2024-2Research integrity and academic medicine: the pressure to publish and research misconductJournal of Osteopathic Medicine●●出版圧力
2024-2Institutional Ethics Committees Move Too Slowly, Critics Sayundark●●調査が遅すぎ
2024-2Charging authors for scientific publishing is fundamentally flawednst◎論文掲載料
2024-2United2Act Against Paper Mills: Fighting Fraud that Corrupts the Scholarly Record Scholarly Kitchen◎論文工場との闘い
2024-2Bounded research ethicality: researchers rate themselves and their field as better than others at following good research practiceScientific Reports◎自分の分野は他より良い
2024-2Should we penalise scientific misconduct in rankings scores?universityworldnews◎研究不正を大学ランキングに
2024-2Fraudulent studies are undermining the reliability of systematic reviews – a study of the prevalence of problematic images in preclinical studies of depression bioRxiv◎うつ病の前臨床試験のネカト
2024-2Got chocolate milk? As US schools consider a ban, an old, sketchy study holds sway School meals | The Guardian〇学校の食べもの
2024-2ゲスト投稿 - シンガポールから香港経由でアテネへ:科学研究から実際の応用および政策立案までの研究公正の旅程 - The Scholarly Kitchen --- Guest Post - From Singapore to Athens via Hong Kong: The Itinerary of Research Integrity from Scientific Research to Real-life Applications and Policy MakingScholarly Kitchen◎研究公正
2024-2Is ChatGPT making scientists hyper-productive? The highs and lows of using AInature◎ChatGPT
2024-2Influential abortion-pill studies retracted: the science behind the decisionnature●中絶薬論文撤回
2024-2Indigenous people sue over alleged Canadian secret medical experimentCanada | The Guardianカナダの無断医学データ取得
2024-2Why Harvard University Is Failing at Everythingbostonmagazineハーバード大学
2024-2Elisabeth Bik tackles the widespread issue of research misconductSTATElisabeth Bik
2024-22/23/2024: Announcing the Scientific Integrity Fundfollowin研究公正基金の設立
2024-2Penn Calls for Withdrawal of ORI’s Misconduct Proposed Reg; Many Commenters Also Critical Health Care Compliance Association (HCCA) - JDSupra●研究公正局の規則改訂
2024-2‘I should do what?’ Addressing research misconduct through values alignmentResearch Ethics●価値観の一致
2024-2It's time to pay academic peer reviewers Times Higher Education (THE)●査読の有料化
2024-2Why Scientists Should Care About Society PublishingTechnology Networks〇学術出版に関心を持て!
2024-2[2402.08796] Reproducibility, Replicability, and Transparency in Research: What 430 Professors Think in Universities across the USA and Indiaarxiv〇国の違い
2024-2Wanted: Scientific Errors. Cash Reward.chronicle●●有償ネカトハンティング
2024-2Research IntegrityYouTube特殊:Illex illecebrosus
、ZeebaTV、1,735 本の動画
2024-2How (not) to deal with missing data: An economist’s take on a controversial studyRetraction Watch〇統計処理
2024-2‘Publish or Perish’: The dark side of tenured professorshipWashington Square News◎教授職獲得困難
2024-2Worse than Plagiarism: False Firstness Claims and Dismissive Literature Reviews Minding The Campus●盗用より悪いもの
2024-2How common is academic plagiarism?Impact of Social Sciences●盗用は多い?
2024-2Letters: Plagiarism Has No Place at Harvard — or Anywhere Else In Higher Edchronicle●盗用者は去れ
2024-2A once-ignored community of science sleuths now has the research community on its heelsnbc●ネカトハンター重要性
2024-2Needed: less science hype!Hill Times有料◎科学の誇大表現
2024-2Why do some academics review so many papers? Times Higher Education (THE)◎多査読
2024-2Passion is not misconductScience◎Michael Mann裁判
2024-2Guest Post - The Perplexing Puzzle of the Top 2% Scientists ListScholarly Kitchen◎大学ランキング
2024-2[2402.05519] Can ChatGPT evaluate research quality?arxiv〇人口知能ChatGPT
2024-2Is ‘silent’ outcome switching in clinical trials research misconduct?transparimed〇臨床試験
2024-2The Poor Reputation of Our ScientistsOpinion En.tempo.co〇インドネシアのネカト
2024-2Research Fraud Runs Rampant In The Nutrition FieldNutraceuticals World栄養学ネカト
2024-2Vendor offering citations for purchase is latest bad actor in scholarly publishingScience | AAAS●引用工場
2024-2Can elite universities be reformed without replacing their professors? The Hill◎大学再建
2024-2China conducts nationwide audit of research misconduct after thousands of papers retracted | NewsChemistry World●中国:撤回論文の全国調査
2024-2China Finally Decides To Review Research Misconduct After More Than 17,000 Retractions. This Is A Very Big DealDaily Caller●中国:撤回論文の全国調査
2024-2China conducts first nationwide review of retractions and research misconductnature●中国:撤回論文の全国調査  日本語解説 日本語訳③
2024-2Impact of Research Misconduct on Universities and Protective Measuresmedrivaネカトの蔓延
2024-2Rising Concerns Over Research Misconduct and Image Manipulation in Academic Sciencemedrivaネカトの蔓延
2024-2Scientific Research Integrity: Rising Cases of Misconduct and Emerging Solutionsmedrivaネカトの蔓延
2024-2Surge in Research Misconduct Cases: Universities Witness Alarming Increasemedriva〇ネカトの蔓延
2024-2News Outlet Blames Photoshop for Making Australian Lawmaker’s Photo More Revealing New York Times◎豪:
2024-2Make publishing more efficient and equitable by supporting a “publish, then review” model Federation of American Scientists●出版後査読
2024-2Whistleblowers should have their risks federally coveredmandarin◎豪:告発支援、キイタム訴訟
2024-2Earning respect and trustScience◎編集者
2024-2NYU Removed 2 Doctors Over Israel-Hamas Posts. Then Their Fates Diverged.New York Times◎コクハラ?
2024-2We found a major flaw in a scientific reagent used in thousands of neuroscience experiments — and we’re trying to fix it.Transmitter: Neuroscience News and Perspectives◎C9ORF72
2024-2ISR Roundtable 2023: The future of preserving the integrity of the scholarly record togetherCrossref◎研究公正
2024-2Author-pays will never open humanities scholarship Times Higher Education (THE)〇オープンアクセス・人文
2024-2Editor publisher relationship: A perfect target for paper millsjigishapatel〇論文工場
2024-2Review mills identified as a new form of peer-review fraudChemistry World〇査読偽装
2024-2PROF JENKINS: Plagiarism is just the tip of the icebergCampus Reform◎ネカトの蔓延
2024-2‘Obviously ChatGPT’ — how reviewers accused me of scientific fraudnature●ChatGPT
2024-2Indian paper mill disbands WhatsApp community following investigationRetraction Watch●論文工場:iTrilon閉鎖
2024-2Plagiarism Is Not Always Easy to Define or DetectGood Men Project●盗用
2024-2Medical research at stake as fake scientific papers balloon Juta MedicalBrief◎Fakeの蔓延
2024-2Sex offenders allowed to work as doctors and one gains a national Clinical Excellence AwardPeter Wilmshurst◎性犯罪者が受賞
2024-2Shaping the Future of Research: Uniting AI and Open Science to Transform Scientific Incentivesby Sean Hill | Medium●研究界の未來
2024-2‘The situation has become appalling’: fake scientific papers push research credibility to crisis point | Peer review and scientific publishingGuardian◎ネカトの蔓延
2024-2Artificial intelligence to prevent scientific fraudWest Observer有料◎人工知能はネカト防止できるか
2024-2Disciplining research misconductkathmandupost◎ネカトと処罰
2024-1AI and the Future of Image Integrity in Scientific Publishing Science Editor◎画像問題
2024-1Briefing note no.4: Why higher education institutions should join the MisconductDisclosure Scheme●●不正を公表
2024-1The Science Journals That Will Publish AnythingOffice for Science and Society - McGill University◎捕食学術誌
2024-1Science sleuths are using technology to find fakery and plagiarism in published researchAP News◎研究公正
2024-1Weaponizing plagiarism will restore faith in academic institutionsNational Post◎盗用を武器に
2024-1The researchers taking on fraudulent scienceAnalyst News◎ネカトハンター
2024-1How many authors are (too) many? A retrospective, descriptive analysis of authorship in biomedical publicationsScientometrics●適正な著者数
2024-1Citation cartels help some mathematicians—and their universities—climb the rankingsScience | AAAS●引用カルテル
2024-1My Favorite Euphemisms for PlagiarismPlagiarism Today◎盗用
2024-1UWA silent as judge rules geoscientist liedTimes Higher Education (THE)◎豪の裁判所と大学
2024-1Detecting fraud in scientific publications | Interview with Cyril Labbésciencepod◎人工知能でネカトハント
2024-1How many casualties would a plagiarism war produce?insidehighered◎盗用の蔓延
2024-1Open access ‘strengthens big publishers’Times Higher Education (THE)◎学術誌
2024-1Potential Issues in Mandating a Disclosure of Institutional Investigation in Retraction NoticesScience and Engineering Ethics●情報開示
2024-1Exploring the dimensions of responsible research systems and cultures: a scoping reviewRoyal Society Open Science●責任ある研究実施 (RCR)
2024-1Dana-Farber retractions: meet the blogger who spotted problems in dozens of cancer papersnature●ネカトハンター:Sholto David.
2024-1Journal pulls papers following Retraction Watch investigationRetraction Watch●論文工場:iTrilon
2024-1Exclusive: Elsevier journal COPE threatened with sanctions will retract four more articlesRetraction Watch◎学術誌怠惰:論文撤回
2024-1Whistleblowers flagged 300 scientific papers for retraction. Many journals ghosted themScience | AAAS◎学術誌怠惰:論文撤回
2024-1Female Sexual Predators Are Treated With Double Standards—Here’s HowEvie Magazine◎性加害女性教員
2024-1The false hope of the new Alzheimer's drugsUnHerd◎認知症薬OK?
2024-1Exclusive: Mayo, Florida profs among authors of article tied to Indian paper millRetraction Watch●論文工場
2024-1[2401.04022] Identifying Fabricated Networks within Authorship-for-Sale Enterprisesarxiv●論文売買
2024-1Οι υπερ-παραγωγικοί ερευνητές δεν είναι απαραιτήτως υπερ-αξιόπιστοιΑυγή◎多数論文出版者
2024-1This Indian watchdog is cleaning up ‘mess’ in academia—falsification, fabrication & fraudprint◎インドのネカト監視
2024-1Editing companies are stealing unpublished research to train their AITimes Higher Education (THE)◎編集社の盗用
2024-1Full article: Safeguarding scientific integrity: A case study in examining manipulation in the peer review processAccountability in Research◎査読段階の操作
2024-1Common Flaws in Running Human Evaluation Experiments in NLP Computational Linguistics | MIT Press〇 NLP
2024-1Is the academic social networking site ResearchGate still relevant?cen〇ResearchGateとMDPI
2024-1Science’s fake-paper problem: high-profile effort will tackle paper millsnature●論文工場
2024-1Government Funded Science Has a Major Fraud Problemcatalyst●ネカト
2024-1Rules won’t stop social science research fraudTimes Higher Education (THE)●規則は無力
2024-1Gift and Ghost Authorship and the Use of Authorship Guidelines in Psychology JournalsOSF Preprints●心理学:著者在順
2024-1Gift authorship common in psychology, survey suggestsRetraction Watch●心理学:著者在順
2024-1Physicians who oversaw diagnostic manual’s revision had pharma fundingTransmitter: Neuroscience News and Perspectives◎癒着
2024-1Plagiarism is more than just copyinginsidehighered◎盗用
2024-1Science Has a Major Fraud Problem. Here’s Why Government Funding Is the Likely CulpritFoundation for Economic Education◎研究詐欺
2024-1Full article: A model of the interrelationship between research ethics and research integrityInternational Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being◎研究公正
2024-1“On the ruins of seriality”: The scientific journal and the nature of the scientific life Endeavour◎学術誌
2023-11Predatory journals: How to recognise and keep clear!Journal of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh◎学術誌
2024-1Gatekeepers or gatecrashers? The inside connection in editorial board publications of Turkish national journalsScientometrics◎編集者
2024-1Plagiarism policing serves democracy, not white, Western supremacyTimes Higher Education (THE)◎盗用
2024-1Den største trusselen mot forskningen kommer innenfraforskning◎研究界内で告発
2024-1How an Indian dental college climbed the ranks: A bibliometric analysis with emphasis on self-citationOral Oncology Reports◎インドのランキング不正
2024-1Plagiarism detection software, explainedbostonglobe◎有料:盗用摘発ごっこ
2024-1The next chapter for Frontiers: to the open access tipping pointFrontiers◎Frontiers縮小
2024-1The Role of the U.S. Office of Research Integrity and Its Impact on Scientific Researchmedriva●研究公正局の規則改訂
2024-1Billionaire launches plagiarism detection effort against MIT president and all its faculty Science | AAAS●盗用
2024-1Rooting out scientific misconductScience●研究公正局の規則改訂
2024-1国際雑誌が大量の中国人学者の論文を取り下げ、教育省は自己調査を要求Ban News Network◎中国:撤回論文の精査
2024-1國外撤回大量中國學者論文 教育部開展高校撤稿論文自查hk01◎中国:撤回論文の精査
2024-1遭國外撤回大量論文!陸教育部下令各校自查撤稿論文 嚴懲學術不端大陸傳真 | 兩岸 | 聯合新聞網◎中国:撤回論文の精査
2024-1中國論文遭大量撤稿 官方下令大學展開自查 中央通訊社◎中国:撤回論文の精査
2024-1Plagiarism is not always easy to define or detectconversation盗用
2024-1US project seeks standard way to communicate research retractionsnature●論文撤回
2024-1Health Care Attorneys Author Comment Letter on Proposed Changes to Federal Regulations on Research Misconduct// CommentsRopes & Gray LLP●研究公正局の規則改訂
2024-1The weaponisation of forensic research auditing will not resolve systemic research misconduct USAPP◎ネカト攻撃の無益
2024-1Reasons of Iranian Researchers’ Articles Retractions: A Systematic ReviewAcademic Librarianship and Information Research〇イラン:論文撤回理由
2024-1OSF Preprints | Planned but ever published? A retrospective analysis of clinical prediction modelling studies registered on clinicaltrials.gov since 2000osf〇臨床研究:発表なし
2024-1Major Medical Journal Reverses Itself On ‘Research Parasites’ As NIH Beefs Up Data Sharing Rulesforbes●データ共有
2024-1Australian academy wants stronger integrity watchdogResearch Professional News有料、◎豪:公正局設立の方向
2024-1Coates | What if It Didn’t Happen: Data Management and Avoiding Research MisconductJournal of eScience Librarianship◎データ管理
2024-1Genuine images in 2024 Science●操作画像検出//240107:「すべての学術誌でAIによる不正画像チェックを行う」とScienceが発表 - GIGAZINE
2024-1Interview: Retracted Papers and Collateral Damageundark●ネカト被災者
2024-1Universities look for misconduct in retracted papersChinadaily.com.cn◎中国の大学は自律調査
2024-1Opinion | The Problems Only Start With PlagiarismThe New York Times◎盗用
2024-1The weaponisation of forensic research auditing will not resolve systemic research misconductImpact of Social Sciences●ハンターの限界
2024-1A Brief Guide to How Colleges Adjudicate Plagiarism Caseschronicle◎盗用対処ガイド
2024-1Clinical Trial Fraud: ‘Specter of Impact’ For Big Pharma CompaniesPink Sheet◎臨床試験ネカト
2023-12Uncovering Data Collection Practices in Student ResearchNeuroscience News〇学生のデータ収集
2023-12LETTER | Reading between the lines of retractionsmalaysiakini◎撤回の含意
2023-12Is the Patent System Sensitive to Incorrect Information? | The Review of Economics and StatisticsMIT Press◎特許の不正確
2023-12Being part of the self-correction of scienceMRC Epidemiology Unit◎自律訂正
2023-12Another Reason Why Diamond Access Makes Sense: No Economic Barriers To Publishing RebuttalsTechdirt◎ダイヤ論文
2023-12Publisher donating author fees from retracted articles to charity Retraction Watch◎撤回で掲載料返金
2023-12Sorbonne’s embrace of free research platform shakes up academic publishingft◎OpenAlex
2023-10Fake Reviews at MDPI Predatory JournalsPredatory Reports◎査読偽装、査読工場
2023-12Commentary: Fighting fluoridation of our watercleburnetimesreview.com◎フッ素添加水
2023-12Students' Data Collection Trustworthy for Scientific Research?Mirage News◎ポーランド:学生の公正観アンケート
2023-12A MAGIcal Special ERMPS IssueScience Integrity Digest●論文工場
2023-12Rampant Research Misconduct Exposed: Fraudulent Publishing UncoveredClayton County Register異常な出版論文数
2023-12Liêm chính nghiên cứu khoa học: Đã đến lúc cơ quan quản lý phải vào cuộcthanhnien◎ベトナム:公正改革
2023-12Mistaking a duck for a skvader: How a conceptual form of circular analysis may taint many neuroscience studiessTransmitter: Neuroscience News and Perspective◎神経科学の循環分析
2023-12[Scientific integrity faces plagiarism fabricated with the ChatGPT].Europe PMC◎人工知能論文のネカト
2023-12Peru moves to crack down on scientific fraudstersScience | AAAS●ネカト取締り:ペルー。解説済(7-154
2023-12When a postdoc in my lab committed fraud, I had to face my own culpability Science | AAAS●ネカト被災者
2023-12What analyzing 30 years of US federal research misconduct sanctions revealedRetraction Watch●ORI分析
2023-12Factors related to the severity of research misconduct administrative actions: An analysis of office of research integrity case summaries from 1993 to 2023Accountability in Research有料、ORI分析
2023-12Guest post: Why I commented on the proposed changes to U.S. federal research-misconduct policies – and why you should, too Retraction Watch●ORI改革案。解説済(7-142
2023-12Research Integrity YouTube●ネカト証拠
2023-12Hindawi reveals process for retracting more than 8,000 paper mill articlesRetraction Watch●Hindawi 論文工場
2023-12Scientific fraud an open secretsun〇ネカト雑感
2023-12The amount of research in the last seven years has grown by 50 per cent. Are important findings being overlooked?sciencenorway●論文数5割増し
2023-12Silent, yet indispensableResearch Information●研究公正促進
2023-12The threat of paper mills to social science journals: The case of the Tanu.pro paper mill in Mind, Brain & EducationPsyArXiv Preprints●論文工場
2023-12Federal agency’s plan to disclose university misconduct findings splits academicsScience | AAAS●ORI改革案。解説済(7-143
2023-12Archaeology society votes to ban photos of Indigenous burial offeringsScience | AAAS〇考古学
2023-12Celebrating ORI Deputy Director Wanda K. JonesORI - The Office of Research Integrity〇Jones退職
2023-12Integrity of Clinical Neuroradiological Research Clinical Neuroradiology●不正行為率。有料
2023-12How to level the global publishing playing fieldnature〇南
2023-12Research misconduct: Proposed new rules face resistancestat●ORI改革案
2023-12US universities protest research fraud rulesTimes Higher Education (THE)●ORI改革案
2023-12PsyArXiv Preprints | The threat of paper mills to social science journals: The case of the Tanu.pro paper mill in Mind, Brain & EducationPsyArXiv Preprints●論文工場 Anna Abalkina, and Dorothy Bishop
2023-12More than 10,000 research papers were retracted in 2023 — a new recordnature◎撤回論文・1万。東亜日報グノシー
2023-12Scientific fraud is more open than secretFree Malaysia Today (FMT)〇ネカト、オープン
2023-12UNSW to be investigated over 'preliminary' research misconduct inquiry that has taken two yearsABC News◎豪:公正局設立の方向
2023-12Research Integrity: Where We Are and Where We Are HeadingJournal of Korean Medical Science◎研究公正
2023-12In defense of quantitative metrics in researcher assessmentsPLOS Biology◎研究者評価法
2023-12View of When Authorship Becomes a Burden: Learning About Authorship Issues in Scientific ArticlesPrinciples and Practice of Clinical Research◎著者在順
2023-12NIH puts hold on $30 million trial of potential stroke drugScience | AAAS◎3K3A-APC臨床試験
2023-12Spain wants to change how it evaluates scientists—and end the ‘dictatorship of papers’ Science | AAAS◎スペインの研究者評価法
2023-12New “Meta-Ranking” of Philosophy JournalsDaily Nous〇心理学学術誌ランキング
2023-12A Venture Capitalist for Better ScienceThe Ongoing Transformation〇改善
2023-12How to Stop Academic Fraudsterschronicle●新しい不正
2023-12How My PhD Professor’s Irrational Remark Reeked Of Misogyny In Cla…shethepeople〇アカハラ
2023-12Ghostwriting's plagiarism problemBoing Boing●代筆
2023-12The role of judiciary in addressing academic plagiarism Daily Star●盗用と法律
2023-12Research misconduct: Proposed new rules face resistancestatnews●ORI改革案
2023-12Leading scholarly database listed hundreds of papers from ‘hijacked’ journals Science | AAAS◎被乗取学術誌
2023-12Call to Bolster Governance of Research MisconductMirage News◎豪:公正局設立の方向
2023-12Wiley to stop using “Hindawi” name amid $18 million revenue declineRetraction Watch◎学術出版
2023-12Scientists Behaving Badly Evolution News◎悪い研究者
2023-12How to cover academic research fraud and scientic errorsjournalists resource◎ネカト問題
2023-12Cyberstalking pits Harvard professor against PubPeerRetraction Watch●PubPeer問題
2023-11Defence against the dark arts: a proposal for a new MSc courseBishopBlog●学術警察 日本語解説
2023-11Evolving patterns of extremely productive publishing behavior across sciencebioRxiv◎多数論文出版者
2023-11Dr Chelsea Polis: ‘The scientific world recognises when you stick your neck out and do the right thing’ Science | The Guardian◎Chelsea Polis
2023-11Sydney: Graeber sacked for ‘serious misconduct’Times Higher Education (THE)◎Manuel Graeber(豪)
2023-11Science is littered with zombie studies. Here’s how to stop their spread. The Hill
2023-11Medical research in Canada not meeting all criteria: report CTV News●カナダのデタラメ臨床試験
2023-11Frodi scientifiche: libri e curiosità sul lato della scienza che non si conoscemaremosso◎ネカト蔓延(イタリア語)
2023-11Assessment report Hcéres - CNRS 2023CNRS●フランスのネカト対処
2023-11To improve social science publications let's lose the discussion sectionImpact of Social Sciences討論欄不要
2023-11[2311.14720] AI Use in Manuscript Preparation for Academic Journalsarxiv◎人工知能で論文執筆
2023-11Sports Illustrated Published Articles by Fake, AI-Generated Writersfuturism◎人工知能が書いた記事
2023-11Reviewer training for improving grant and journal peer reviewHesselberg, J-O - 2023 | Cochrane Library◎査読教育限界
2023-11Submitting papers to several journals at oncenature●多重投稿
2023-11Scammers threaten quality of research survey data Transmitter: Neuroscience News and Perspectivesアンケート偽回答
2023-11Open Science Charter makes urgent appeal for open accessResearch Information◎学術出版
2023-11Latitudes: Top editors of a key international-ed journal resign in a dispute over managementchronicle
2023-11The SNSF is no longer funding Open Access articles in special issuesSwiss National Science Foundation◎特別号に助成なし
2023-6In a Tipster's Note, a View of Science Publishing's Achilles Heelundark◎特別号に助成なし
2023-11Challenges posed by hijacked journals in Scopus Abalkina - Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology〇被乗取学術誌
2023-11Mendel’s Peas: Inferring Data Falsification Evolution News◎データ改ざん
2023-11Proposed changes to rules for policing fraud in U.S.-funded biomedical research draw a mixed responseScience | AAAS●ネカト規則。解説済(7-141
2023-11No Liability for Supposed Medical Journal Article Misrepresentation About How to Treat Lyme Diseasereason
2023-11Does international publishing still matter for social scientists?University World News◎文系国際論文
2023-11 Case Study in Research Integrity: This Application Feels Familiar Extramural〇申請書盗用
2023-11Prosocial motives underlie scientific censorship by scientists: A perspective and research agenda PNAS〇科学的検閲
2023-11 Research Misconduct Investigations in China’s Science Funding SystemScience and Engineering Ethics●中国:ネカト監視
2023-11 'Buying - selling' scientific articles: Consequences of mistakenly buying smuggled or counterfeit goodsthanhnien●論文売買
2023-11Why Research Fraud Is Getting WorseThe James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal●ネカト悪化理由
2023-11More ‘highly cited’ researchers excludedTimes Higher Education (THE)●引用操作
2023-11Exposing a most unscrupulous journalcen●学術誌
2023-11Americans’ Trust in Scientists and Views of Science Decline in 2023Pew Research Center◎科学への信頼低下
2023-11When Does Science Self-Correct? Lessons from a Replication Crisis in Early 20th Century ChemistryThe Good Science Project◎科学の自律性
2023-11Who should pay for open-access publishing? APC alternatives emergenature◎論文掲載料
2023-11Preregistering, transparency, and large samples boost psychology studies’ replication rate to nearly 90%Science | AAAS〇再現性:心理学
2023-11Science overturns ban on ChatGPT-written papersTimes Higher Education (THE)●人口知能
2023-11Who Published It?Asian Scientist Magazine●人口知能
2023-11AI writes summaries of preprints in bioRxiv trialnature●人口知能
2023-11The Last Word On Nothing | AI is a Terrifying Purveyor of Bullshit. Next Up: Fake Science>The Last Word On Nothing●人口知能
2023-11The Pelican Project: Building a universal plug for scientific data-sharing - Morgridge Institute for Researchmorgridge●ペリカン企画
2023-11Spanish national research council investigates five scientists for manipulating university rankingsScience | EL PAÍS English●大学ランキング不正
2023-11Breakpoint: The crisis of trust in science: Honest research requires honest researchersChattanooga Times Free Press◎公正な研究者
2023-9Australia needs a science fraud watchdog — one with teethcrikey◎豪:公正局設立の方向
2023-11Bill criminalises unauthorised research sharingTimes Higher Education (THE)◎豪:公正局設立の方向
2023-11Unis, scientists unite for first time on need for research misconduct bodysmh◎豪:公正局設立の方向
2023-11Independent watchdog essential to combat research misconductAustralia Institute◎豪:公正局設立の方向
2023-11Watchdog Vital to Battle Research Misconduct, Says ReportMirage News◎豪:公正局設立の方向
2023-11Research misconduct: Universities, scientists unite for first time on need for integrity bodyBrisbane Times◎豪:公正局設立の方向
2023-11Correction is courageousScience◎訂正推奨
XユーザーのElisabeth Bik
2023-11Quantitative research assessment: using metrics against gamed metrics Internal and Emergency Medicine◎メトリックス
2023-11PsyArXiv Preprints | An analysis of functional relationships between systemic conditions and unethical behavior in German academiaPsyArXiv◎心理学のネカト問題
2023-11The “Free lunches” index for assessing academics: a not entirely serious proposalScientometrics◎“Free lunches” 指標
2023-11Presence and consequences of positive words in scientific abstractsScientometrics〇要旨の用語
2023-11A plagiarism paperdemic: determining plagiarism among COVID-19 articles in infectious disease journals between 2020 and 2021Bulletin of the National Research Centre | Full TextCOVID-19での盗用
2023-11Performance evaluation considering academic misconduct of China’s higher education institutionsSocio-Economic Planning Sciences◎中国での評価
2023-11Sacked professor plans academic defence union Times Higher Education (THE)◎告発
2023-11Burden of proof: combating inaccurate citation in biomedical literatureBMJ◎引用不正確
2023-11What’s Wrong With Peer Review?WSJ◎査読
2023-11How to catch scientific misconduct and fraud Vox◎ネカトハンティング
2023-11Datendetektive: Ihre Rolle bei der Identifizierung manipulierter Daten in wissenschaftlichen Arbeitencitylife◎ネカトハンター
2023-11The “Free lunches” index for assessing academics: a not entirely serious proposalScientometrics〇評価
2023-11Government Statistics: misrepresentation and data gapsFull Fact Report〇政府統計
2023-11Surge in number of ‘extremely productive’ authors concerns scientistsnature有料●多数論文出版者
2023-11How big is science’s fake-paper problem?nature●論文工場
2023-11Should scientists include their race, gender, or other personal details in papers?Science | AAAS●論文に個人情報
2023-11Early-career factors largely determine the future impact of prominent researchers: evidence across eight scientific fields Scientific Reports〇研究初期が重要
2023-10Fake paper identification in the pool of withdrawn and rejected manuscripts submitted to Naunyn–Schmiedeberg’s Archives of PharmacologyNaunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology◎不正データ検出法
2023-10Edinburgh University failing over sexual misconduct complaints - studentsBBC News◎エジンバラ大学:学生が性不正対処要求
2023-10Some thoughts on transparency of the data and analysis behind the Highly Cited Researchers list Scientometrics●データ透明性
2023-10Open-access reformers launch next bold publishing plannature●オープンアクセス
2023-10Zombie Plagiarism in PhilosophyDaily Nous〇盗用
2023-10The American Journal of Psychiatry's Answer to MIA: A Silence that Speaks VolumesMad In America〇編集者
2023-10A snapshot of the academic research culture in 2023 and how it might be improvedzenodo〇 研究文化
2023-101. Ethical, Legal, and Policy Issues in the Knowledge Creation Paradigm: The Case of OMICS International, Open Access, and ‘Predatory’ PublishingBook〇 ‘pay to play’ or ‘pay to publish trash,’
2023-10Why hasn’t Kristie Koski made tenure?cen〇Kristie Koskiのアカ被害
2023-10Guest post: A look behind the scenes of bulk retractions from Sage Retraction Watch●Sageの多量論文撤回
2023-10Causes for Retraction in the Biomedical Literature: A Systematic Review of Studies of Retraction NoticesJournal of Korean Medical Science●撤回分析
2023-10Are research contributions assigned differently under the two contributorship
classification systems in PLoS ONE?
2023-10Call for PhD databases to flush out fraudstersTimes Higher Education (THE)博士号取得者リスト
2023-10The ‘hijacking’ of the Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems: Implications for the information systems communityMüller - Information Systems Journal - Wiley Online Library◎被乗取学術誌
2023-10Europadomstolen kräver svar från Sverige om behandlingen av visselblåsarna i Macchiarini-affären   - Centrum för rättvisacentrum◎Macchiarini事件
2023-10Are most published research findings false? Trends in statistical power, publication selection bias, and the false discovery rate in psychology (1975–2017) PLOS ONE◎心理学論文はほぼ全部間違い
2023-10Why Are So Many Studies Being Retracted?Mother Jones〇生成人口知能
2023-10Constructive correctionEMBO reports〇自己修正
2023-10How Do We Clean Up the Scientific Record?Function | Oxford Academic〇間違いの訂正
2023-10Laronde merges with another biotech after data integrity issuestat〇Laronde
2023-10China ‘uses citations to sway global science’ Times Higher Education (THE)〇中国
2023-10Fake universities proliferate in IndiaTimes Higher Education (THE)◎インドのニセ大学
2023-10How the reform-minded new editor of psychology’s flagship journal will shake things upScience | AAAS●Simine Vazireの改革案
2023-7Sorting out journals: The proliferation of journal lists in China Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology◎中国の学術誌選別
2023-10Science whistleblowers need better support – and I should knowTimes Higher Education (THE)●ネカトハンター支援必須
2023-10Report claiming net zero will cost UK trillions retracted due to ‘factual errors’ | Climate crisisThe Guardian◎ネカトで大損失
2023-10Knowledge, attitudes and practices about research misconduct among medical residents in Southwest China: a cross-sectional studyResearch Square◎中国の医学生の 53.7%がネカトした
2023-10Dear journals: stop hoarding our papersnature◎重複投稿認めよ
2023-10Reproducibility trial: 246 biologists get different results from same data setsnature◎再現性
2023-10Analysis of Retracted Publications in Medical Literature Due to Ethical ViolationsJournal of Korean Medical Science◎撤回論文の理由
2023-10The Peer Review Renaissance: An Urgent Call for TransformationScholarly Kitchen〇査読
2023-10Can academics earn a living on Substack?Times Higher Education (THE)
2023-9The trustworthiness of the cumulative knowledge in industrial/organizational psychology: The current state of affairs and a path forwardActa Psychologica◎心理学の改革
2023-9Letter: reinstate spiked sex misconduct chapter Times Higher Education (THE)●性不正教授
2023-10Risk and Reward in Peer ReviewFederation of American Scientists〇査読
2023-10Listing quality: Chinese journal lists in incoherent valuation regimes Science and Public Policy | Oxford Academic〇学術誌の選択
2023-10Swedish National Board for Assessing Research Misconduct confirms that research which the Lancet refused to retract is fraudulentDr Peter Wilmshurst〇Lancet
2023-9Biomedical doctoral students’ research practices when facing dilemmas: two vignette-based randomized control trialsScientific Reports◎ネカト被災者
2023-93 nhà xuất bản lớn vào danh sách đen Tuổi Trẻ Online◎ブラックリスト学術誌
2023-9Bergens-forsker fikk trukket ni artikler på to dagerFORSKNINGSETIKK◎査読偽装の急増
2023-10[2309.15884] The strain on scientific publishingarXiv〇科学出版の負担。解説済(7-135
2023-10Signs of undeclared ChatGPT use in papers mountingRetraction Watch●論文工場、人工知能
2023-10HHS Releases Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to Update 2005 Public Health Service Policies on Research MisconductHHS.gov●ORI改革案。解説済(7-140
2023-10Spanish university administrator and colleagues linked to ‘factory’ producing fraudulent scientific studiesScience | EL PAÍS English●論文工場
2023-10Spitting out the AI Gobbledegook sandwich: a suggestion for publishersBishopBlog●数千論文撤回
2023-10AI beats human sleuth at finding problematic images in research papersnature●人工知能ネカトハンター
2023-93 nhà xuất bản lớn vào danh sách đenTuổi Trẻ Online●マレーシアで捕食学術誌排除
2023-9Retraction and Apology - The Standardstandardmedia撤回と謝罪
2023-9An Overdue Due Process for Research MisconductOpinion | The Harvard Crimson◎ネカト処理
2023-9Biomedical researchers’ perspectives on the reproducibility of research: a cross-sectional international surveybioRxiv◎再現性
2023-9Where’s the Proof? NSF OIG Provides Insights on Crafting That All-Important Investigation Report Health Care Compliance Association (HCCA) - JDSupra〇NSF OIG
2023-9The Banality of Bad-Faith ScienceAtlantic●Patrick Brown
2023-9Maternal health points to need for oversight on scientific researchcosmos●産科
2023-9Anthropology groups cancel conference panel on why biological sex is “necessary” for researchRetraction Watch◎学問の家畜化
2023-9Replication games: how to make reproducibility research more systematicnature◎低い再現性
2023-9US surgeons are killing themselves at an alarming rate. One decided to speak out | US healthcareGuardian◎外科医の高自殺率
2023-9Guest Post - Reputation and Publication Volume at MDPI and FrontiersScholarly Kitchen◎学術誌
2023-9Criticism builds against Ph.D. careers firm Cheeky ScientistScience | AAASキャリア
2023-9Rising number of 'predatory' academic journals undermines research and public trust in scholarshipconversation●捕食学術誌
2023-9Faculty must help reform how to measure research productivity (opinion)insidehighered研究生産性
2023-9Who should fund research’s plagiarism hunters? Times Higher Education (THE)●盗用ハンターを支援
2023-9Full article: The anxiety of the lone editor: fraud, paper mills and the protection of the scientific recordJournal of Mental Health◎編集者
2023-9You do not receive enough recognition for your influential sciencebioRxiv◎影響力
2023-9'Abolish academic authorship', says LERU reportTimes Higher Education (THE)◎著者在順
2023-9Could AI transform science itself?economist◎有料:人工知能
2023-9Chinese academic database fined over privacy Times Higher Education (THE)◎中国
2023-9AI destroys principles of authorship. A scary case from educational technology publishing. Prof. Dr. Marco Kalz●人工知能
2023-9The science that cheats papers: Why the Schillaci "case" reopens a case that was never closedHardwood Paroxysm●Orazio Schillaci事件
2023-9Full article: The anxiety of the lone editor: fraud, paper mills and the protection of the scientific recordJournal of Mental Health◎編集長
2023-9The STAR*D Scandal: Scientific Misconduct on a Grand ScaleMad In America●STAR*D
2023-9Fifth of UK research staff feel bulliedTimes Higher Education (THE)◎アカハラ英国
2023-9Bullying is a feature of UK research universities, not a bugTimes Higher Education (THE)◎アカハラ英国
2023-9Publication and collaboration anomalies in academic papers originating from a paper mill: Evidence from a Russia‐based paper millLearned Publishing - Wiley Online Library●論文工場:Anna Abalkina
2023-9Scientific sleuths spot dishonest ChatGPT use in papersnature●ChatGPT
2023-9Frontiers retracts nearly 40 papers linked to ‘authorship-for-sale’Retraction Watch●論文売買。解説済(7-137
2023-9Putin Daughter's Publications in US Science Journal Draw Backlashnewsweek●プーチンの娘の論文撤回
2023-9Behind the fraud drama rocking academia Financial Times●不正の線引き
2023-9Please Don’t Steal My Work, by Maria ToftFor Better Science◎盗用 Maria Toft
2022-5#PleaseDontStealMyWork: 120 testimoniesUniversity Post◎盗用 Maria Toft
2023-9Is scientific fraud getting worse in chemistry papers?News | Chemistry World◎化学は悪化
2023-9Science fiction in university labs?: The case of UNSW and an “anti-cancer superdrug” highlights issues with self-regulation in universities about what constitutes research misconductMonthly〇科学フィクション
2023-8Should sex with students be banned?Times Higher Education (THE)●学生と恋愛、禁止?
2023-8The Ethics of Publishing Biomedical and Natural Products ResearchJournal of Natural Products●出版倫理
2023-8‘Gagged and blindsided’: how an allegation of research misconduct affected our labnature●Ram Sasisekharan
2023-8Master Protocols: A Tool for Increasing the Reliability of Behavioral EvidenceGood Science Project●再現性
2023-8Why preprint review is the way forwardResearch Information〇プレプリント
2023-8When Scientists Believed the Adorable Platypus Was a HoaxDiscover Magazine〇カモノハシ
2023-8Survey of research sins in EstoniaNews | ERR〇タルトゥ大学の公正調査
2023-8Leonid Schneider, honest among researchersinformant有料●Leonid Schneider
2023-8Warnings of scientific ‘suicide’ as US-China research collaboration hangs in balance Science | The Guardian●中国の台頭
2023-8Bài báo bị tạp chí quốc tế gỡ, tác giả ở Đại học Kinh tế TP.HCM thừa nhận ‘không tham gia viết&aposTuổi Trẻ Online著者じゃない著者
2023-8The Scandal That Shouldn’t Be: Why the Fallout Over the Former Stanford President Is a Threat to ScienceCohen Segliasスタンフォード大学・学長:✕
2023-8Failed PhD: how scientists have bounced back from doctoral setbacksnature大学院生
2023-8FDA Finalizes Guidance on Informed Consent for Clinical InvestigationsRopes & Gray LLPFDA臨床試験
2023-8Identifying and preventing fraudulent responses in online public health surveys: Lessons learned during the COVID-19 pandemicPLOS Global Public Health●詐欺:なりすまし
2023-8Scammers threaten quality of research survey data Spectrum | Autism Research News●詐欺:なりすまし
2023-8Clara Locher débusque les liaisons dangereuses entre chercheurs et revues scientifiqueslemonde〇Clara Loche
2023-8Predatory journals entrap unsuspecting scientists. Here’s how universities can support researchersnature●捕食学術誌
2023-8Science for sale? Why academic marketization is a problem and what sustainability research can do about itEnvironmental Innovation and Societal Transitions●売り物の科学
2023-8Metascience Since 2012: A Personal History - by Stuart BuckGood Science Project○STUART BUCK
2023-8A fake journal, algorithmic plagiarism and tricking Google ScholarCrowdid○ニセ学術誌
2023-8Coordinating culture change across the research landscapeFrontiers○公正維持は誰の責任
2023-8Australia grapples with how to investigate scientific misconductnature●豪の公正
2023-8University of Sydney gambling research centre bankrolled by casinos is ‘troubling’, experts sayGuardian○豪の公正
2023-8Cuando a los investigadores les dan gato por liebre: el caso de las revistas secuestradasconversation○乗取学術誌
2023-8Guillaume Cabanac, le Sisyphe de la dépollution de la sciencelemonde○Guillaume Cabanac
2023-8Methods for living guidelines: early guidance based on practical experience. Paper 4: search methods and approaches for living guidelinesJournal of Clinical Epidemiology
2023-8Using Edifix results to detect research integrity issuesEdifix○不正検出
2023-8Use of AI Is Seeping Into Academic Journals—and It’s Proving Difficult to DetectWIRED●人工知能
2023-8How bibliometrics and school rankings reward unreliable scienceBMJ●大学ランキング
2023-8Australia ‘needs research integrity watchdog’ Times Higher Education (THE)〇豪・監視
2023-8 Awareness and Perception About Research Ethics and Misconduct Among the Teaching Staff of Health Colleges, Jazan University, Saudi Arabia | ArticleCureusサウジ、認識
2023-8My little PubPeer saga – A wake-up call, by Ingrid Herr For Better Science●Ingrid Herr物語
2023-8Francesca Gino’s data fraud case and lawsuit against Harvard, explainedVox
2023-8Fraud holds back researchbangkokpost〇タイのネカト
2023-8The good fightResearch Professional News
2023-8The detection and management of attempted fraud during an online randomised trialTrials | Full Text〇臨床試験
2023-8ENRIO Handbook on Whistleblower Protection in Research Zenodo〇告発保護
2023-8Authorship Disputes in Scholarly Biomedical Publications and Trust in the Research InstitutionRambam Maimonides Medical Journal〇著者在順
2023-8UK ‘needs scientific replicability institute’ Times Higher Education (THE)〇再現
2023-8Medical advances typically begin with a study. Now, universities are struggling to afford themcbc〇学術出版
2023-8Academic publishers scrutinise AI data mining Times Higher Education (THE)◎人工知能
2023-8Artificial-intelligence search engines wrangle academic literaturenature◎人工知能
2023-8Any excuses for plagiarism had better be goodTimes Higher Education (THE)◎盗用
2023-8The 20% Statistician: How I tried to get a paper that I own retracted: A journey and call to action against Prime Scholars20% Statistician●なりすまし
2023-8There’s far more scientific fraud than anyone wants to admit | Ivan Oransky and Adam MarcusGuardianIvan Oransky and Adam Marcus
2023-8"So, is this fraud or what?"James Heathers
2023-8Why Cancer 'Cure' Stories Are Mostly NonsenseGideon M-K: Health NerdJames Heathers
2023-8Book Review: A Simple Memoir in Praise of Complex Scienceundark
2023-8Science Is Self-correcting? Time for a Reality Check!Mind Matters◎自律
2023-8Nature’s Proximal Origin Paper Was a Work of ‘Fraud and Scientific Misconduct,’ Say Scientists Demanding a Retraction - Foundation for Economic EducationFEE●Fauci事件
2023-8Inquiry calls for science watchdog after Australia’s biggest research misconduct scandalSYDNEY MORNING HERALD●豪公正局
2023-8Almost one in 10 Wits health academics ‘witness misconduct’Research Professional News〇告発率10%
2023-8Nick Brown, une vocation tardive contre le « bullshit » scientifiquelemonde〇Nick Brown
2023-8Science Corrects Itself, Right? A Scandal at Stanford Says It Doesn'tScientific American●非自律
2023-8‘Major errors’ alleged in landmark study that used microbes to identify cancersScience | AAAS●間違い?
2023-7Major data analysis errors invalidate cancer microbiome findingsbioRxiv●間違い?
2023-85 tips for using PubPeer to report on research and the scientific communityJournalist’s Resource●パブピア投稿法
2023-6#ChiefEditor #Resign @jbiogeography – Journal of Biogeographyjournal of biogeography news〇学術出版
2023-7Concerns about Replicability, Theorizing, Applicability, Generalizability, and Methodology across Two Crises in Social PsychologyPsyArXiv Preprints心理学の危機
2023-7Uganda lacks mechanism to address research misconductlUNCST - New Vision Officiaウガンダの公正
2023-7[INTERVIEW] Whistleblower recalls price paid for revealing Hwang Woo-suk's scientific misconductKorea Times◎韓国:ウソク告発者
2023-7Amid Indian Nationalism, Pseudoscience Seeps Into AcademiaUndark◎インドのニセ科学
2023-7Open access is inevitable – only the ‘how’ remainsCampus Learn, Share, Connect◎学術出版
2023-7An Index, A Publisher and An Unequal Global Research EconomyCGHE◎学術出版
2023-7The snowball effect of academic crimesDaily Star◎不正雪だるま
2023-7Perspectives on scientific errorRoyal Society Open Science●エラー
2023-7Science Has a Reproducibility Problem. Can Sample Sharing Help?undark●再現性
2023-7"Think of the Implications of Publishing"Honest Broker
2023-7Guest Post - Ghost-writing Peer Reviews Should Be a Thing of the PastScholarly Kitchen◎代理査読
2023-7Error, Fraud, and ResponsibilityCritical Care Medicine◎公正
2023-7The true cost of science’s language barrier for non-native English speakersnature◎言語
2023-7Is biomedical research self-correcting? Modeling insights on the persistence of spurious sciencebioRxiv◎自律
2023-7Is Hindawi “well-positioned for revitalization?”BishopBlog◎論文工場
2023-7View of Editorial - The Secret Life of Retractions in Scientific PublicationsPrinciples and Practice of Clinical Research●論文撤回
2023-7Se vende 'paper' por 2.000 dólares: el mercado negro de textos académicos daña la credibilidad de la cienciaeldiario.es●論文売買
2023-7In some scientific papers, words expressing uncertainty have decreasedScience | AAAS◎用語
2023-7Fraud Quotes to Avoid Being a VictimEverydayPower◎ネカト
2023-7The battle for research integrity is winnableResearch Professional News◎ネカト
2023-7Sen. Rand Paul Says He’s Referred Dr. Anthony Fauci to the DOJ for ProsecutionLegal Insurrection〇Fauci事件
2023-7The Proximal Origin of a Scientific Fraud, by Michael BaroneCreators Syndicate〇Fauci事件
2023-7[INTERVIEW] Whistleblower recalls price paid for revealing Hwang Woo-suk's scientific misconduct Korea Times〇ウソク事件
2023-7The proximal origin of a scientific fraud Washington Examiner●ネカト
2023-7Is Hindawi “well-positioned for revitalization?”BishopBlog◎学術出版
2023-7The big idea: Why the laws of physics will never explain the universe | PhysicsGuardian◎天文
2023-7Meet the author who has published more than 500 letters to the editor in a yearRetraction Watch◎多数論文者
2023-7Elisabeth Bik, un œil de lynx contre les images falsifiéeslemonde〇Elisabeth Bik
2023-7Smut Clyde, dénicheur de champignons et de science bidonlemonde〇Smut Clyde
2023-7Open access 'at any cost' cannot support scholarly publishing communitiesImpact of Social Sciences◎学術出版
2023-7Replacing academic journalsRoyal Society Open Science◎学術出版
2023-7Trials we cannot trust: investigating their impact on systematic reviews and clinical guidelines in spinal painJournal of Pain◎臨床研究信頼度
2023-7To make academic publishing scholar-led we need a Norwegian-style dugnad!Impact of Social Sciences◎学術出版
2023-7The future of academic publishingNature Human Behaviour◎学術誌
2023-7Co-creating Research Integrity Education Guidelines for Research InstitutionsScience and Engineering Ethics〇公正教育
2023-7Costly invite? Scientists hit with massive bills after speaking at COVID-19 ‘webinars’Science | AAAS●高額請求された講演者
2023-7Animal cruelty and academic fraud: The two have more overlaps than expectedVox〇動物実験・虐待
2023-7Medicine is plagued by untrustworthy clinical trials. How many studies are faked or flawed?nature●ネカト蔓延
2023-7Science relies on honest observationFreethoughtBlogs〇研究公正
2023-7The Federal Government Was Funding the Research of Alleged COVID ‘Patient Zero,’ Documents Show - Foundation for Economic Educationfee〇COVID研究費
2023-7Sage retracting three dozen articles for ‘compromised’ peer reviewRetraction Watch◎査読偽装
2023-7Artificial intelligence is the new ghost author in urological researchurologytimes◎人工知能
2023-7Journal editors resign, strike in dispute with Wiley over ‘business model that maximises profit’ Retraction Watch〇学術誌
2023-7Journal to retract papers that cost its impact factor and spot in leading indexRetraction Watch●引用同盟
2023-7UK committee makes recommendations to improve research integrity in first reportChemistry World◎英国・研究公正
2023-7Research Integrity in the UK: Annual statement 2023Zenodo◎英国・研究公正
2023-7Undue publicity for flawed fraud detectorScience◎検出
2023-7Haro sur les revues prédatrices en médecinelemonde有料。非捕食学術誌リスト
2023-7The hidden consequences of fraudulent and poor-quality medical researchMedPage Today●ネカト犠牲者
2023-7Multi-affiliation: a growing problem of scientific integrityProfesional de la información●多所属
2023-7Trouble at paper millHEPI◎論文工場
2023-7Counterpoint: Preprints and the Future of Scientific Publishing—In Favor of RelevanceAmerican Journal of Epidemiology | Oxford Academic〇プレプリント
2023-7Point: Should AJE Allow Submissions of Manuscripts That Have Been Previously Posted on Preprint Servers and Received Media Attention?American Journal of Epidemiology | Oxford Academic〇プレプリント
2023-7Is There a Boom in Research Dishonesty?Mind Matters〇軽 ネカト状況
2023-7Lancet's ‘flawed’ research on postpartum pain medicationThe Star有料。Toronto’s Hospital for Sick Children
2023-7Young China science journal The Innovation joins international rankings South China Morning Post◎中国学術誌の台頭
2023-7What do Retraction Notices Reveal About Institutional Investigations into Allegations Underlying Retractions?Science and Engineering Ethics●撤回公告
2015-5What should an ideal retraction notice look like?Retraction Watch●撤回公告
2023-7Editors of public health journal resign over differences with publisherRetraction Watch〇学術誌
2023-7Peer Review Is Porous and The Bastards Know That Nowjames.claims〇査読
2023-7Building an equitable global science systemFior Reports〇学術誌
2023-6A Nobel laureate claimed antimale discrimination. An early-career researcher called it out Science | AAAS〇女性優先
2023-6Winning a Nobel Prize may be bad for your productivity Science | AAAS〇ノーベル賞の負の面
2023-6Concerns about 12 MD Anderson Cancer Center’s Pathology PapersScience Integrity Digest●Bik
2023-6Post-publication Peer Review with an Intention to Uncover Data/Result Irregularities and Potential Research Misconduct in Scientific Research: Vigilantism or Volunteerism?Science and Engineering Ethics●有料:ネカトハンター有益
2023-6The future of publishing: scientists need a greater sayUWN〇学術誌
2023-6Nobelist: biology needs one journal, not 4,000Times Higher Education (THE)〇学術誌
2023-6NSF Suspends 18 Awards, Receives Repayments Related to Foreign Ties, Research MisconductHealth Care Compliance Association (HCCA) - JDSupra〇NSF
2023-6Delivering on NIH data sharing requirements: avoiding Open Data in Appearance OnlyBMJ Health & Care Informatics〇データ共有
2023-6Artificial Intelligence–Generated Research in the Literature: Is It Real or Is It Fraud? Medical Acupuncture人工知能
2023-6Breakthrough recognition for science publishing’s invisible co-reviewersLaboratory News査読
2023-610 steps to start an academic journalTHE Campus Learn, Share, Connect〇自分の学術誌創刊法
2023-6NIH spent $298,000 in 2021 on ethics training for Chinese scientists China, Russia are America's adversaries – yet they get US tax dollars中国人研究者のネカト教育
2023-6Knowledge and attitudes of Chinese medical postgraduates toward research ethics and research ethics committees: a cross-sectional studyBMC Medical Education | Full Text●中国・院生のネカト観
2023-6Academic Dishonesty Lawyers in Los Angeles, CaliforniaCity Telegraph●盗用の法律
2023-6Corruption in the Field of Medical Science – Unveiling the Dark Side EUAC●医学研究崩壊
2023-6Science moves forward with productive and meaningful activitiesFor Better Science●Thomas Südhof
2023-6Enhancing Partnerships of Institutions and Journals to Address Concerns About Research Misconduct: Recommendations From a Working Group of Institutional Research Integrity Officers and Journal Editors and Publishers | Medical Journals and PublishingJAMA Network Open | JAMA Network●学術誌の対応
2023-6How can universities and journals better work together on research misconduct?Retraction Watch●学術誌の対応
2023-6“Truly devastating”: Four journals won’t get new Impact Factors this year because of citation shenanigansRetraction Watch●問題学術誌
2023-6How Academic Fraudsters Get Away With ItChronicle of Higher Education◎ネカト
2023-6Netflix's "King of Clones" Documentary Review: The Creepy Story Of The Mad Korean Scientist Who Tried To Cloned HumansHype MYHwang Woo-suk
2023-6To Sanitize the Master’s Corpus: On the Heidegger Hoaxマルティン・ハイデッガー
2023-6‘Quietly revolutionary’ plan would shake up the way U.K. universities are evaluated Science | AAAS◎英国の研究評価の変化。論文より文化へ
2023-6The landscape of biomedical research◎ネカト鳥瞰図
2023-6Atlas of biomedical literature could help track down fabricated studiesScience | AAAS◎ネカト鳥瞰図
2023-6The landscape of biomedical researchbioRxiv◎ネカト鳥瞰図
2023-6Sharing research data ‘a work in progress’ Times Higher Education (THE)◎データ共有
2023-6The ethics of disclosing the use of artificial intelligence tools in writing scholarly manuscriptsResearch Ethics●人工知能
2023-6Retractions Australia launches bid to expose science fraud, misconductSydney Morning Herald〇豪撤回
2023-6Retractions AustraliaRetractions Australia〇豪撤回
2023-6New Forum in JSLHR Encourages Research Transparency and Reproducibility ASHA Journals Academy〇透明
2023-6Experts call on leading institutions to review support for disgraced transplant surgeonNews-Medical.NetPaolo Macchiarini
2023-6Retract or be damned: a dangerous moment for science and the publicBMJPaolo Macchiarini
2023-6The deadly legacy of a stem cell charlatanBMJPaolo Macchiarini
2023-6Scientific fraud is rising, and automated systems won’t stop it. We need research detectives - The Hinduhindu.com●ネカトハンター必須
2023-6Scientific Fraud Is Rising, And Automated Systems Won’t Stop It. We Need Research Detectivestechfinancials●ネカトハンター必須
2023-6Scientific fraud is rising, and automated systems won't stop it. We need research detectivesconversation●ネカトハンター必須
2023-6Africa: Scientific Fraud Is Rising, and Automated Systems Won't Stop It. We Need Research Detectives allAfrica.com●ネカトハンター必須
2023-6Scientific Fraud Is Rising, And Automated Systems Won't Stop It. We Need Research DetectivesMENAFN.COM●ネカトハンター必須
2023-6Scientific fraud is rising, and automated systems won’t stop it. We need research detectivesNational Tribune●ネカトハンター必須
2023-6Rising Scientific Fraud Calls for Research DetectivesMirage News●ネカトハンター必須
2023-6‘Deplorable’: Imaging journal to retract nearly 80 papers for compromised peer reviewRetraction Watch〇査読偽装
2023-6How data integrity issues roiled Laronde, seen as ‘Moderna 2.0’STAT●企業ネカト内幕
2023-6Nick Wise, Scientific Sleuth and Fluid Dynamics ResearcherAmerican Physical Society●ニック・ワイズの人生
2023-6Retraction, She Wrote: Dorothy Bishop’s life after researchSpectrum | Autism Research News●ビショップの人生
2023-6Guest Post - A Year of Jxiv – Warming the Preprints Stone Scholarly Kitchen〇プレプリント
2023-6Profiles, motives and experiences of authors publishing in predatory journals: OMICS as a case study Archive ouverte HAL〇捕食論文
2023-6[2306.06710] Characterizing the effect of retractions on scientific careersSocial and Information Networks〇撤回とキャリア
2023-6Plague of anomalies in conference proceedings hint at ‘systemic issues Retraction Watch〇多量撤回
2023-6How data integrity issues roiled Laronde, seen as ‘Moderna 2.0’stat?企業
2023-6Citation counting is encouraging cheating in Iran Times Higher Education (THE)◎被引用不正
2023-6How UC Berkeley won (and lost) race to discover new elementsBig Think〇元素競争
2023-6Why Nature will not allow the use of generative AI in images and videonature◎人工論文
2023-6Distinguishing academic science writing from humans or ChatGPT with over 99% accuracy using off-the-shelf machine learning tools ScienceDirect◎人工論文ChatGPT
2023-6A researcher who publishes a study every two days reveals the darker side of scienceScience & Tech | EL PAÍS English◎論文工場スペイン
2023-6How a now-retracted study got published in the first place Retraction Watch◎ネカト者がグラント
2023-6How a now-retracted study got published in the first place STAT◎ネカト者がグラント
2023-6How Shoddy Data Becomes Sensational ResearchChronicle of Higher Education◎誇張
2023-6Did a ‘nasty’ publishing scheme help an Indian dental school win high rankings?Retraction Watch◎インドのランキング不正
2023-6Did a ‘nasty’ publishing scheme help an Indian dental school win high rankings?Science | AAAS◎インドのランキング不正
2023-6Scientists Beware! Your University Could Revoke Your Ph.D. Cohen Seglias Pallas Greenhall & Furman PC - JDSupra博士号取消
2023-5Among Us: Fear of Exploitation, Suspiciousness, and Social Identity Predict Knowledge Hiding Among ResearchersSocial Psychological Bulletin〇隠蔽
2023-5Verlopen domeinnamen van wetenschappelijke tijdschriften kunnen een goudmijn zijn NRC◎乗取学術誌
2023-5Use of positive terms and certainty language in retracted and non-retracted articles: The case of biochemistryJournal of Information Science〇撤回論文
2023-5Worries mount about misinformation in scienceaxios〇科学の誤情報
2023-9Too official to be effective: An empirical examination of unofficial information channel and continued use of retracted articlesResearch Policy撤回論文の引用
2023-5The U.S. Gave Chinese Scientists Thousands During COVID For Ethics Training, Addressing ‘Research Misconduct’The Daily CallerNIHの中国人向けガイダンス
2023-5Report a Concerngrants.nih.gov◎米国NIHのガイダンス
2023-5Reporting research misconductukrio◎英国の新しいガイダンス
2023-5Which factors are associated with fraud in medical imaging research?European Journal of Radiology〇ねつ造画像原因
2023-5Whistleblowers need more protectionTimes Higher Education (THE)〇告発者保護
2023-5Point of View: Beware ‘persuasive communication devices’ when writing and reading scientific articleseLife文章作法
2023-5What to communicate in retraction notices? - Xu - Learned Publishing - Wiley Online Library有料〇撤回公告
2023-5NIH toughens enforcement of delayed clinical trials reportingScience | AAAS〇臨床試験報告
2023-5A conversation with Michael Lauer Science | AAAS〇中国排斥問題
2023-5Survey Finds Cheating Is Common in Graduate SchoolPhysics〇院生カンニング
2023-5Key factors associated with fraud in medical imaging researchRadiology Business◎ネカト
2023-7Which factors are associated with fraud in medical imaging research?European Journal of Radiology◎ネカト
2023-5Fostering A Culture Of Trust: Insights On Academic Integrity And Research Ethics – AnalysisEurasia Review◎公正文化
2023-5Research assessment exercises are necessary — but we need to learn to do them betternature〇評価
2023-5Opinion: The peer-review process is in need of some scrutinyGlobe and Mail〇査読
2023-5The Newest Way to Buy an Advantage in College AdmissionsProPublica〇高校性向け代筆
2023-5Indian PhDs, professors are paying to publish in real-sounding, fake journals. It's a racketprintインド代筆
2023-5When There’s Misconduct From Scientist In Sensitive Organisation Like ISRO, Dismissal From Service Isn’t Illegal: SC Upholds Scientist's Dismissalverdictumインド裁判
2023-5Secretly Funded Climate Obstruction Keeps the Fossil Fuel Fires BurningecoRI News〇気候変動ウソ
2023-5Guest post: When whistleblowers need lawyers Retraction Watch●告発
2023-5Top research institute had seven years to act on misconduct complaintsbrisbane times〇ネカト調査
2023-5Peer review is broken. Paying referees could fix itTimes Higher Education (THE)〇査読
2023-5Support for those affected by scientific misconduct is crucialNature Human Behaviour有料〇ネカト被災者
2023-5How This Doctor Wrote Dozens of Science Papers With ChatGPTdaily beast〇ChatGPT
2023-5How to publish responsible reproducible research THE Campus Learn, Share, Connect〇ネカト
2023-5How to publish responsible reproducible research THE Campus Learn, Share, Connect〇ネカト
2023-5Supporting diamond open access journals. Interest and feasibility of direct funding mechanismsbioRxiv〇出版
2023-5Study reveals scale of ‘science scam’ in academic publishingFinancial Times●ネカト氾濫
2023-5One in five articles published in journals may contain faked datainteresting engineering●ネカト氾濫
2023-5Fake Publications in Biomedical Science: Red-flagging Method Indicates Mass ProductionmedRxiv●ネカト氾濫
2023-5Fake scientific papers are alarmingly commonScience | AAAS●ネカト氾濫
2023-5The Truth PoliceBBC Sounds◎ネカト警察
2023-5Saving time and money in biomedical publishing: the case for free-format submissions with minimal requirementsBMC Medicine | Full Text9年間で2500憶円ムダ
2023-5Saudi universities entice top scientists to switch affiliations — sometimes with cashnature◎大学ランキング工作
2023-5Reproducibility and Research Integrity - Science, Innovation and Technology CommitteeUK Parliament committee●撤回2か月
2023-5Retractions should not take longer than two months, says UK Parliament committeeRetraction Watch●撤回2か月
2023-5Paper with authorship posted for sale retracted nearly two years after Retraction Watch reportRetraction Watch●著者権売買
2023-5Support for those affected by scientific misconduct is crucialNature Human Behaviour有料
2023-5Homeopathy Research Hits New LowSkeptical Inquirer○Homeopathy
2023-5Saudi scientist tells colleagues, ‘Stop this academic fraud’ Science & Tech | EL PAÍS English◎大学ランキング
2023-4One of the worst ever tobacco control papers is ‘corrected’ The Counterfactualたばこ
2023-4How to improve scientific peer review: Four schools of thought Waltman - Learned Publishing - Wiley Online Library査読
2023-4When It Comes to Misconduct, Fellows Appeared Uninformed, Unwilling, Hesitant to Report Suspicions Health Care Compliance Association (HCCA) - JDSupra◎Theresa Defino
2023-4Scrutiny for thee but not for me: When open science research isn’t openSteve Haroz's blog◎オープンサイエンス
2023-4Scientific sinkhole: estimating the cost of peer review based on survey data with snowball sampling Research Integrity and Peer Review | Full Text◎査読コスト
2023-4How Do Scientists Perceive the Relationship Between Ethics and Science? A Pilot Study of Scientists’ Appeals to Values Science and Engineering Ethics◎倫理観
2023-4REED: More on Self-Correcting Science and Replications: A Critical ReviewReplication Network再現性
2023-4EU governments to rein in unfair academic publishers and unsustainable feesScience|Business出版
2023-4The Double-Cost of Green-via-GoldScholarly Kitchen出版
2023-4Reviewer comment on NSF fellowship application sparks outrage on TwitterC&ENNSF
2023-4The Geography of Retracted Papers: Showcasing a Crossref–Dimensions–NETSCITY Pipeline for the Spatial Analysis of Bibliographic DataOrvium◎撤回国 Guillaume Cabanac
2023-4Torturing data to predict bitcoin prices: A book excerptRetraction WatchGary Smith、経済本
2023-4For inclusivity, we must rethink citation relevance Times Higher Education (THE)
2023-4Flawed, futile, and fabricated—features that limit confidence in clinical research in pain and anaesthesia: a narrative reviewBritish Journal of Anaesthesia◎麻酔学のネカト
2023-4Advice for respondents. Information and resources for those who are subject to allegations of research misconduct. UK Research Integrity Office◆ネカト被国へのアドバイス:平凡
2023-4Investigating and preventing scientific misconduct using Benford’s Law Research Integrity and Peer Review | Full Text
2023-4University ethics boards are not ready for Indigenous scholarsnature人種差別
2023-4ChatGPT rejection sparks AI debateTimes Higher Education (THE)ChatGPT
2023-4Scientific authorship in the time of ChatGPTOpinion | Chemistry WorldChatGPT
2023-4Trends in retractions as AI arms race on misconduct loomsNiche論文撤回増
2023-4Could Ice Cream Possibly Be Good for You?Atlanticアイス
2023-4Detection tool developed to fight flood of fake academic papersFinancial Times 有料 論文工場
2023-4UWindsor launches hotline for whistleblowers to report misconductCBC News◎コクハラ
2023-4NSF Fellows’ perceptions about incentives, research misconduct, and scientific integrity in STEM academiaScientific Reports
2023-3Changing the paradigm of researchJournal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice?
2023Method Reporting with Initials for Transparency (MeRIT) promotes more granularity and accountability for author contributionsNature Communications◎MeRIT
2023Wiley and Hindawi to retract 1,200 more papers for compromised peer reviewRetraction Watch多量撤回
2023A high-quality cloned journal has duped hundreds of scholars, and has no reason to stopRetraction Watch◎乗取学術誌
2023The Rapid Growth of Mega-Journals: Threats and OpportunitiesFT◎論文工場中国
2023The Rapid Growth of Mega-Journals: Threats and OpportunitiesJAMA | JAMA Network〇巨大学術誌
2023AI makes plagiarism harder to detect, argue academics – in paper written by chatbotGuardian〇盗用と人工知能
2023Pall of suspicion: NIH’s secretive ‘China initiative’ has destroyed scores of academic careersScience | AAAS〇中国排斥
2023The Cape Town Statement on fairness, equity and diversity in researchnature〇研究公正
2023Octopus and ResearchEquals aim to break the publishing mouldnature出版
2023Meet the Stanford Professor at the Center of the Knock-Down, Drag-Out Math Warschronicle数学教育
2023Transparency in conducting and reporting research: A survey of authors, reviewers, and editors across scholarly disciplines PLOS ONE◎透明性
2023More and more sheets are being pulled outbaltimore gay life論文撤回
2023U.S. government agencies may have been double billed for projects in Wuhan, China, records indicate; probe launchedCBS News政府機関詐欺
2023PNAS is Not a Good Journal - by moin syed Get Syeducated◎出版
2023Responsible Conduct of Research - Preparedness for Times of CrisisJournal of Clinical and Translational Science◎研究公正
2023Geneticists should rethink how they use race and ethnicity, panel urgesScience | AAAS人種
2023From Cats to Chatbots: How Non-Humans Are Authoring Scientific PapersDiscover Magazine◎著者在順
2023On peer review—then, now, and soon to be?PNAS◎査読
2023Catching scientfic fraud could get a lot harder thanks to AI Register〇人工知能
2023Strife at eLife: inside a journal’s quest to upend science publishingnature出版
2023When journals don’t meet their ethical guidelines, will anyone hold them accountable?Retraction Watch実験動物
2023Why open data is critical during review: An example Steve Haroz;s blog◎データ公開
2023The only way to end scientific fraud is to actually punish the culprits著者:Stuart Ritchie◎有料記事、ネカト処罰
2023Deception DetectionTony Alves虚偽検出
2023Is writing a book chapter still a waste of time? Impact of Social Sciences著書の分担
2023Is Economics Self-Correcting? Replications in the American Economic Review Ruhr Economic Papers #1005経済学の総説
2023Why we usually can't tell when a review is fake Planet Money : NPR評価、口コミ
2023From Piltdown Man to anti-vaxxers ... What science’s worst hoaxes can teach usGuardian◎ネカト
2023Open letter to CNRS: Need for transparent and robust response when research misconduct is foundBishopBlog●ネカト透明性。解説済(240815記事
2023Being positive about negative resultsChemistry World〇否定的結果
2023Misconduct in medical research endangers healthNew Indian Express◎医学のネカト
2023How many times can a journal be hijacked?Retraction Watch◎乗取学術誌
2023How to tackle scientific fraudEconomist◎ネカト、有料
2023There is a worrying amount of fraud in medical researchfinance.yahoo、Economist◎医学のネカト
2023Mirrors and copulation are abominable because they increase the number of mice
By Smut Clyde
For Better Science〇論文工場
2023Retracting my paper was painful. But it helped me grow as a scientist Science | AAAS〇撤回経験
2023Stop the peer-review treadmill. I want to get offnature査読
2023Inaccuracy in the Scientific Record and Open Postpublication Critique Perspectives on Psychological Science心理学
2023Campaigner Maria Toft ‘forced out’ of doctorateTimes Higher Education (THE)〇 盗コク被
2023Paper with authorship posted for sale retracted over a year after Retraction Watch report Retraction Watch◎ 論文売買
2023Amending the literature through version control Biology Letters
2023Falsifying Attribution for a Bad PunPlagiarism Today
2023Red flags for paper mills need to go beyond the level of individual articles: a case study of Hindawi special issuesPsyArXiv Preprints
2023Highly cited genetics studies found to contain sequence errorsnature
2023Scientists, don’t let your writing resemble something you pulled out of your botScience | AAAS
2023Metrics have their meritsResearch Professional News
2023Post-publication peer reviewing should be compulsoryTimes Higher Education (THE)
2023Elsevier journal under fire for rejecting paper that didn’t cite enough of its old papersChemical & Engineering News
2023As Antarctic Fieldwork Ends, a Sexual Harassment Reckoning LoomsUndark
2023ChatGPT: our study shows AI can produce academic papers good enough for journals – just as some ban itConversation
2023The Whack-a-Mole problem: Hijacked journal still being indexed in Scopus even after discoveryRetraction Watch
2023Who should take responsibility for integrity in research?Impact of Social Sciences
2023Ghosts, gifts, honours and demandsUniversity Affairs
2023Winner take all scienceDYNOMIGHT INTERNET NEWSLETTER
2023Full article: The argument for adopting a jurisprudence platform for scientific misconductAccountability in Research
2023Nonhuman “Authors” and Implications for the Integrity of Scientific Publication and Medical Knowledge | Medical Journals and PublishingJAMA
2023How Scientific is ‘Peer-Reviewed’ Science? American Council on Science and Health
2023How do journals deal with problematic articles. Editorial response of journals to articles commented in PubPeerProfesional de la información
2023A U.S. judge lectures the government on how academic research works Science | AAAS
2023Methodological review would threaten creativity Times Higher Education (THE)
2023Germans take six years to act on plagiarism Times Higher Education (THE)
2023Study: PhD Researchers Forced to Grant ‘Guest Authorships’Laboratory equipment
2023Is science really getting less disruptive — and does it matter if it is?Nature
2023Young physicists say ethics rules are being ignoredNature
2023Full article: Creating research ethics and integrity country report cards: Case study from EuropeAccountability in Research
2023Publish less, disrupt moreUniversity Affairs
2023Are universities doing enough to address academic misconduct in research? University Affairs
2023Multimillion-dollar trade in paper authorships alarms publishersNature
2023Self-publishing is common among academic-journal editorsNature
2023Gender inequality and self-publication are common among academic editorsNature Human Behaviour
2023Papers and patents are becoming less disruptive over time Nature
2023What Happened to All of Science’s Big Breakthroughs?New York Times
2023A Conflict of Interests – Manipulating Peer Review or Research as Usual?Digital Science
2023Scientific fraud: The dark side of research
2023Why are journals so slow at corrections and retractions?STAT
2023Guest Post - Publishers Should Be Transparent About the Capabilities and Limitations of Software They Use to Detect Image Manipulation or DuplicationThe Scholarly Kitchen
2023Alarmed by A.I. Chatbots, Universities Start Revamping How They TeachNew York Times
2023Science: 5 things you can do to stop getting tricked by bad science writing in 2023i News
2023Unearned authorship pervades sciencenature
2023Multimillion-dollar trade in paper authorships alarms publishersnature
2023Scientific Fraud Is Slippery to Catch—but Easier to CombatWIRED
2023‘Institute for facts’ aims to smash fake news |Times Higher Education (THE)
2023Do journals need societies, and do societies need journals?Impact of Social Sciences
2023Hotspots of academic misconduct and misrepresentations among academics in the Republic of Poland, a European Union member stateOSF Preprints
2022'An Open Secret’: Harvard Graduate Students Decry Harassment, Neglect from Faculty Harvard Crimson●アカ
2022Blind spots on western blots: a meta-research study highlighting opportunities to improve figures and methods reporting bioRxiv〇バンド
2022Chinese research reforms ‘a PR exercise’ Times Higher Education (THE)〇中国の科学
2022How a Beloved Teacher Repeatedly Groomed Girls for SexInsider性不正
2022How (not) to be held accountable in research: The case of the Dutch integrity codeAccountability in Research
2022Journal editors and publishers’ legal obligations with respect to medical research misconductResearch Ethics
2022An evaluation of the process of peer reviewPalynology
2022The rise and fall of peer reviewby Adam Mastroianni
2022The Laws of Scienceby Niko McCarty - New Science
2022Stakeholders’ Experiences of Research Integrity Support in Universities: A Qualitative Study in Three European Countries Science and Engineering Ethics
2022What’s integrity got to do with it? Second-year experiences of the Path2Integrity e-learning programmeFACETS
2022FDA oversight of clinical trials is “grossly inadequate,” say expertsBMJ〇臨床研究
2022Preventing fraud in biomedical researchFront. Cardiovasc. Med.
2022White House's open-access directive scrambles long-entrenched modelsSTAT論文閲覧無料
2022Removing author fees can help open access journals make research available to everyoneConversation論文閲覧無料
2022US scientists wary of author publication fees |Times Higher Education (THE)論文閲覧無料
2022OSTP Issues Guidance to Make Federally Funded Research Freely Available Without Delay OSTP | The White House論文閲覧無料
2022White House requires immediate public access to all U.S.-funded research papers by 2025 Science論文閲覧無料
2022Combatting Predatory Academic Journals and Conferences (Full Report in English)IAP◎捕食学術誌・研究会
2021A scientist critic was sued, and won — but did not emerge unscathed. This is his story.Retraction Watch●ネカト者が訴訟
2021Frauds in scientific research and how to possibly overcome them Journal of Medical Ethics
2021When is ‘self-plagiarism' OK? New guidelines offer researchers rules for recycling text Science
2019Development of research integrity in France is on the rise: the introduction of research integrity officers was a progress Research Integrity and Peer Review◎仏RIO
2019Scientific Integrity Principles and Best Practices: Recommendations from a Scientific Integrity Consortium Science and Engineering Ethics
2019US scientists plan new watchdog to tackle research misconduct | Times Higher Education (THE)Times Higher Education (THE)
2018China introduces ‘social’ punishments for scientific misconductnature有料◎中国厳罰化
2017Pay to play? Three new ways companies are subverting academic publishingRetraction Watch◎学術出版をカネで堕落させる動き
2015What should an ideal retraction notice look like?Retraction Watch◎論文撤回
2015Research Misconduct Identified by the US Food and Drug Administration: Out of Sight, Out of Mind, Out of the Peer-Reviewed LiteratureJAMA Network