盗博:宗教学:キング牧師(Martin Luther King Jr.)(米)ノーベル賞受賞者





マーティン・ルーサー・キング・ジュニア(Martin Luther King Jr.、写真出典)を本記事ではキング牧師と呼ぶ。また、キング牧師は有名人なので、全体的な情報量は多い。本記事では盗博を中心に記述する。

キング牧師は、「I Have a Dream」(私には夢がある)で知られる有名な演説を行った人物。1964年のノーベル平和賞受賞者。2004年の議会名誉黄金勲章受章者。アメリカの人種差別(特にアフリカ系アメリカ人に対する差別)の歴史を語る上で重要な人物の一人である。(マーティン・ルーサー・キング・ジュニア – Wikipedia



1968年4月4日(39歳)、 ジェームズ・アール・レイに暗殺された


キング牧師事件は、「全期間ランキング」の「Insider Monkeyの「全期間の盗用11大スキャンダル」:2016年8月22日」の第9位、同「Toptenz.netの「有名人の10大盗用」:2016年1月28日」の第3位である。

ボストン大学(Boston University)。写真出典

  • 国:米国
  • 成長国:米国
  • 研究博士号(PhD)取得:ボストン大学
  • 男女:男性
  • 生年月日:1929年1月15日
  • 没年月日:1968年4月4日。享年39歳
  • 分野:宗教学
  • 博士論文タイトル:A Comparison of the Conceptions of God in the Thinking of Paul Tillich and Henry Nelson Wieman.
  • 博士論文指導教授:
  • 博士論文提出:1955年(26歳)
  • 盗博発覚年月日:1991年(没後23年)
  • 盗用ページ率:80~90%(白楽の乱暴な推定)
  • 盗用文字率:約52%(キング牧師論文プロジェクトが算出した第2章の盗用率)
  • 研究博士号(PhD)はく奪状況:はく奪なし
  • 発覚時地位:死亡者、ノーベル平和賞受賞者
  • ステップ1(発覚):第一次追及者はスタンフォード大学・「キング牧師論文プロジェクト」の係員(詳細不明)
  • ステップ2(メディア):サンデー・テレグラフ(Sunday Telegraph)紙のフランク・ジョンソン(Frank Johnson)記者
  • ステップ3(調査・処分、当局:オーソリティ):①ボストン大学・調査委員会。②サンデー・テレグラフ(Sunday Telegraph)紙。③キング牧師を研究する研究者
  • 大学・調査報告書のウェブ上での公表:なし
  • 不正:盗博
  • 時期:人生の初期から
  • 損害額:総額(推定)は5千万円。没後23年の発覚で、職・地位として学術界のキャリアがなく職務上の損害はない。研究費は受給してない。⑤調査経費(大学と新聞社や研究者)が5千万円。
  • 結末:


  • 1929年1月15日:ジョージア州アトランタで生まれる
  • 1948年(19歳):モアハウス大学(Christian Medical College & Hospital)を卒業。社会学
  • 1951年(22歳):クローザー神学校(Crozer Theological Seminary)終了。神学士(Bachelor of Divinity)
  • 1953年6月18日(24歳):26歳のコレッタ・スコット(Coretta Scott)と結婚
  • 1955年(26歳):ボストン大学(Boston University)で神学の研究博士号(PhD)を取得
  • 1963年8月(34歳):ワシントン大行進にて、“I Have a Dream”の演説を行う
  • 1964年(35歳):ノーベル平和賞受賞
  • 1968年4月4日(39歳): ジェームズ・アール・レイに暗殺される
  • 1991年(没後23年):盗博が発覚


盗博ではなく有名な演説も盗用していたという証拠と解説。「キング牧師の「私には夢がある」演説は共和党のアーチボルド・キャリー・ジュニア演説の盗用だった(MLK Plagiarized “I Have a Dream” Speech from Republican Archibald Carey Jr.) 」(英語)2分32秒
Gadfly Productions が2016/07/21 に公開
以下のリンクが切れた時 → 保存版




出典 → ココ (保存版



キング牧師(写真出典)は、1955年(26歳)、343頁の博士論文をボストン大学(Boston University)に提出し、神学の研究博士号(PhD)を取得した。

1964年(35歳)にノーベル平和賞を受賞したが、1968年4月4日(39歳)、 ジェームズ・アール・レイに暗殺された。

1986年(没後18年)、キング牧師の妻のコレッタ・キングが、キング牧師の博士論文をスタンフォード大学・「キング牧師研究教育機関(The Martin Luther King, Jr. Research and Education Institute)」の「キング牧師論文プロジェクト(King Papers Project)」に寄贈した。



1989年12月3日(没後21年)、サンデー・テレグラフ(Sunday Telegraph)紙のフランク・ジョンソン(Frank Johnson)記者がキング牧師の盗博事件を最初に報道した。見出しは「キング牧師は盗用者?(”Martin Luther King—Was He a Plagiarist?”)」だった。


1990年1月22日(没後21年)、スポットライト(The Spotlight)紙がサンデー・テレグラフ紙の記事をベースに記事を掲載した。




1991年10月10日(没後23年)、ボストン大学のジョン・ウェストリング・学長(Jon Westling)は、調査委員会の提案を受け入れると発表した。

委員の1人であるジョン・カートライト社会倫理学・教授(John Cartwright)は、「キング牧師の博士論文は複数の他人の文献を適切に引用していませんでした。ただ、委員会はその理由を推測しませんでした」と述べた。



→ 2004年12月21日のラルフ・ルーカー(Ralph E. Luker)のブログ記事:History News Network | On Martin Luther King’s Plagiarism …、(保存版

1963年8月(34歳)、ワシントン大行進で有名な“I Have a Dream”の演説を行なった(写真出典)。

この有名な「私には夢がある(I Have A Dream)」演説(以下の左欄)も、共和党のアーチボルド・キャリー・ジュニア演説(下の右欄)の盗用だった。 →  以下の演説文章の出典:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-yI7QF5BHg

最初の3分の1は、ほぼ逐語盗用である。後半の3分の2は、キング牧師は「Let freedom ring from」の「from」の後の地名を変えただけである。被盗用演説では「Let freedom ring from」の「Let freedom ring」を省いて「from」にしたが、構文は同じである。



キング牧師(Jennifer Moore)の博士論文のタイトルは 「A Comparison of the Conceptions of God in the Thinking of Paul Tillich and Henry Nelson Wieman」。
日本語訳は、 「パウル・ティリッヒとヘンリー・ネルソン・ワイマンの思想における神の概念の比較」である。





6章構成の第2章の盗用率(盗用文字率?)は、1991年にキング牧師論文プロジェクト(King Papers Project)が52%と試算した。この52%を全体の盗用文字率としておこう。


カナダのブリティッシュコロンビア大学(University of British Columbia)の生物学科教員が作った盗用防止教材(2004-2005年版)に、キング牧師の文章を逐語盗用の例として示している。
→ 出典:PLAGIARISM brochure(保存済)
→ 原典:Becoming Martin Luther King — Plagiarism and Originality: A Round Table,” Journal of American History (June 1991, pp. 11-123. The example used below is on p. 25.





Chapter III


1. The question of being

It is impossible to understand Tillich’s conception of God without a prior knowledge of his ontology as a whole, since it is his ultimate position that “God is being-itself.” To attempt to understand Tillich’s conception of God without an understanding of his conception of being is like trying to understand the humanistic conception of God without understanding its conception of man. So we may well begin our study with a discussion of Tillich’s ontological position.

Tillich insists that the core of philosophy is the ontological question, and this ontological question is logically prior to every other. Thought must start with being; it cannot go behind it. Ontology is possible because there are concepts less universal than “being,” but more universal than the concepts that designate a particular realm of beings. Such ontological concepts have been called “principles,” “categories” or ultimate notions.* Tillich’s analysis of these concepts is the very heart of his philosophy.

These concepts, he holds, are strictly a priori.They are necessary conditions for experience itself. They are present whenever something is experienced , and hence constitute the very structure of experience. Tillich makes it emphatically clear that this does not mean that the concepts are known prior to experience; on the contrary, “they are products of a critical analysis of experience.”†

Taken seriously this Kantian language implies that the “‘being” to be analyzed is to be found only in the knower, and not, except derivatively, in the known. But this is exactly what Tillich seems to be denying, for he says thatthe structure of experience is discovered in experience, by analysis. In other words Tillich’s language implies the Kantian critical philosophy, while his analysis implies an epistemological realism.*

Tillich distinguishes four levels of ontological concepts: (1) the basic ontological structure; (2) the “elements” constituting that structure; (3) the characteristics or being which are the conditions of existence, or “existential being;” and (4) the categories of being and knowing. We shall discuss each of these in order.

i. The basic ontological structure

The basic starting point for ontology, in Tillich’s thought, is the self-world correlation. The ontological question, “what is being?” presupposes an asking “subject” and an object about which the question is asked; it presupposes the subject-object structure of being. This in turn presupposes the self-world structure as the basic articulation of being; being is man encountering the world. This logically and experientially precedes all other structure.

(1) Man, self and world

Man experiences himself as having a world to which he belongs, and it is from the analysis of this polar relationship between man and the world that the basic ontological structure is derived. Since man is estranged from nature, and is unable to understand it in the way he understands man — he does not know what men’s behavior means to men –the principles which constitute the universe must be sought in man himself. Following Heidegger’s Sein und Zeit, Tillich finds “being there” (Dasein) — the place where the structure of being is manifest — given to man within himself. “Man is able to answer the ontological question himself because he experiences directly and immediately the struc- ture of being and its elements.” * Tillich makes it palpably clear that this approach does not mean that it is easier to get a knowledge of man “sufficient for our purposes” than a knowledge of nonhuman objects. It means rather that man is aware of the structures which make cognition possible. Being is revealed not in objects, but in “the conditions necessary for knowing.” “The truth of all ontological concepts is their power of expressing that which makes the subject-object structure possible. They constitute this structure.”

Being a self means that man is both subject and object. He is a subject in the sense that he is so separated from everything as to be able to look at it and act upon it. He is object in the sense that he so belongs to the world, that he is an intimate part of the process. But each factor determines the other. It is wrong to assume that the environment wholly explains behavior.

The mistake of all theories which explain the behavior of a being in terms of environment alone is that they fail to explain the special character of the environment in terms of the special character of the being which has such an environment. Self and environment determine each other.

Moreover, because man has an ego-self,§ he transcends every possible spatiotemporal environment. His “world” cannot be thought of simply as an aggregate containing everything that exists; it is an organized structure, and the organizing reflects the self. In short the self-world correlation includes not only the environment in which man lives, but the universal norms and ideas by means of which man apprehends and interprets. Every content, psychic as well as bodily, is within the world, otherwise the self would be an empty form. But man is so differentiated from the world that he can look at it as an organized whole; otherwise he would be completely immersed in the flux.*

Tillich is convinced that this starting point avoids the notorious pitfalls of those philosophical systems which attempt to generate the world from the ego, or the ego from the world; it also avoids, he contends, the dilemma of Cartesian dualism which has to try to unite an empty res cogitans with a mechanistically conceived res extensa. In so far as it is thought about, everything (including even God) is an object; but in so far as everything involves individual self-relatedness, nothing (not even an atom) is merely an object.

(2) The logical and the ontological object

Within the self-world polarity are to be found the derivative polarities of objective and subjective reason, of logical object and subject. Pure objects, “things,” are completely conditioned or bedingt by the scheme of knowing. But man himself is not a “thing” or merely an object. He is a self and therefore a bearer of subjectivity. He is never bound completely to an environment.

He always transcends it by grasping and shaping it according to universal norms and ideas …. This is the reason why ontology cannot begin with things and try to derive the structure of reality from them. That which is completely conditioned, which has no selfhood and subjectivity, cannot explain self and subject ….It is just as impossible to derive the subject from the object This trick of deductive idealism is the precise counterpart of the trick of reductive naturalism …. The relation is one of polarity. The basic ontological structure cannot be derived. It must be accepted.*

This analysis of the “basic ontological structure,” in which Tillich is following Heidegger, assumes without question that the epistemological “subject-object distinction” is absolutely ultimate, not only for knowledge, but for being: It is not only “prior to us,” but also “prior in nature,” as Aristotle puts it.†’

ii. The ontological elements

The second level of ontological analysis deals with those “ontological elements” which constitute the basic structure of being. Unlike the categories, these elements are polar: each is meaningful only in relation to its opposite pole. “One can imagine a realm of nature beside or outside the realm of history, but there is no realm of dynamics without form or of individuality without universality.” ‡ There are three outstanding pairs which constitute the basic ontological structure; individuality and universality, dynamics and form, freedom and destiny. Each of these distinctions is discovered in the self’s experience of the world, and then generalized for all interactions within being. The first element in each of these polarities expresses the “self-relatedness of being,” i.e., its power of being something for itself. The second element expresses the “belongingness of being,” i.e., its character of being a part of a universe of being.*

(1) Individuality and participation

Individualization is a quality of everything that exists; “it is implied in and constitutive of every self, which means that at least in an analogous way it is implied in and constitutive of every being.”† To be a self is to be an individual. Selfhood and individualization may be different conceptually, but they are inseparable actually.‡ To be is to be an individual. But man’s individualization is not absolute or complete . It gains meaning only in its polar relation with participation. Leibniz emphasizes this point when he speaks of the microcosmic structure of the monad.§ Whitehead sets it forth when he speaks of the “prehension” of the whole by the actual occasion. Martin Buber emphasizes this role of participation in the process of individualization when he sets forth the role of the “thou” in the development of the “I”. Each of these thinkers gives backing to what Tillich is attempting to say, namely, that individuation implies participation. Man participates in the universe through the rational structure of mind and reality. When individualization reaches the perfect form we call a “person,” participation reaches the perfect form we call “communion.” Persons become persons only by participating in society. It is only in the communion of personal encounter that persons can grow. Participation is essential for the individual “Without individualization nothing would exist to be related. Without participation the category of relation would have no basis in reality.’*

It is clear from the foregoing that Tillich is not interested in slanting such statements either in the idealistic or in the naturalistic direction. But it is especially important to recognize that he does not regard them as being derived from empirical observation concerning contingent facts. Rather, he conceives of individualization and participation as ontological elements which, in the course of a critical analysis of experience, reveal themselves to be a priori in the sense that experience could not be what it is unless it occurred within them. The reciprocal relationship between “personal” and “communal”-for example, one cannot become fully a self except in relation with other selves-is a structural characteristic of being. In the polarity of individualization and participation Tillich finds a solution to the endless problem of nominalism and realism. Individuals are real, but they participate in the universal structure, which, however, is not some sort of second reality lying behind empirical reality.†











① ウィキペディア英語版:Martin Luther King Jr. authorship issues – Wikipedia
② ウィキペディア英語版:Martin Luther King Jr. – Wikipedia
③ 1991年10月11日の「NYTimes」記事:Boston U. Panel Finds Plagiarism by Dr. King – NYTimes.com、(保存版
④ キング牧師盗用サイト:Martin Luther King Plagiarism Page




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